Afternoon (S)

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TW: Teen!Cast. Swears.

Who protected who?

It was a few hours after midnight.

Sips had on a dark black hoody, and a back pack full of spray paint.

Oh yes, he was going to enjoy this.

Sips stalked the streets, keeping to the shadows, minding the security cameras that could be hanging from street lights.

He eyed the bus parked at its stop. Their stop.

He quickly crossed the street and crept his way over to the side of the bus that faced off road.

As he peeked in, he could see what looked like playboy magazines and beer cans strewn across the floor of the bus, and in the driver's seat, an unconscious old man.

This was gonna work about better than he thought. He thought the driver would be drunk, but not asleep. Well, he'll get a wakeup call soon enough.

Sips checked the streets to make sure there wasn't any late night runners about. The bus stop was at the edge of the city. The city was almost always empty late at night, and he had about 45 minutes before the next cop patrol would roll in.

He moved closer and dropped his backpack next to him, removing two cans of spray paint.

What should he write? Something symbolic? Maybe some art? No, maybe something personal. Sips started shaking the bottles.

As he began to spray the paint onto the bus, he heard a loud familiar siren a few streets down.

Shit, looks like they're early to the party

Sips decided spraying a work of art on this guy's bus wasn't worth getting caught by the fuzz, so he wrote a short messy two word line instead. Well, it got the point across.

Sips quickly threw the can into his bag, took out the knife, and stabbed the tires closest to him before he ran back into the back alleys, out of sight from the cops. As he ran, he heard a faint yelling and a police siren in the background.

Looks like it worked.

Sjin decided to spend the day in. He was too tired to go out. It was the weekend, and he definitely had a whole lot on his mind.

It was late in the afternoon. Sjin checked his phone. 3 missed calls, 5 unread messages- Sips

Sjin sighed, and turned off the T.V.

He hated when Sips did things like this. He really did.

When would Sips learn? How long would it take before something like karma would come back to get them? What would happen if Sjin wasn't there for Sips? These questions had been floating around his head like a dark cloud, ever since yesterday.

Sjin had heard on the local news that the tires of a public bus had been slashed, and the bus had been vandalized with a message in blue spray paint that said "EAT SHIT."

This had Sips' name all over it.

Maybe the bus driver deserved it, but Sjin refused to forgive Sips so easily. This was one of the only public buses that traveled around here, and they had known for a while how very enthusiastic the driver was about sharing his opinion.

Sips and Sjin were forced to ride the bus home yesterday, due to the car being in the shop after a little accident with Sips' road rage, and they had overheard the bus driver's boisterous conversation with one of the passengers sitting a few seats in front of them.

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