When Time Runs Out (S)

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TW: Death, Blood (it's not really that bad though), Spacemen, MCD, Angst

He couldn't believe this was actually happening.

Orange slumped down on the ground, panting slightly as he scanned the surrounding area. So many bodies lay about, most of them devoid of life, the remaining few nearly the same. This wasn't new, he had killed so many people in his life, destroyed so many lives, but this time was different. His eyes fell on one of the fallen, a man he had met earlier this week; a doctor. He silently cursed him for falling victim to their enemies. If he hadn't, maybe he could have helped.

A quiet huff of breath next to him made him jump, turning back to the person he had sat next to. The sight made him feel sick, even despite his tolerance of blood and gore. It wasn't the puddle of blood that made him sick, or even bone that stuck out of the figures right side and arm, but rather the soft and familiar brown eyes-or eye, rather- that stared back into his. He reached out a clawed hand, his gloves long lost, and gently tried to wipe the blood away from the gash that seemed to invade half of his once peaceful face. He wished so much that he could just wipe it all away: the cuts and bruises and blood. He wants to make time reverse so he could stop himself from ever getting them both into such a stupid fight; to stop any of these injuries from even having a chance to occur.

He wanted to make sure he would never lose his only chance of ever being happy.

A small smile graced the lips of the man below him, and Orange could feel his lips quiver as he let out a quiet "Hey", continuing to run his fingers through his partner's hair in hopes in would bring him some comfort. The blue clad spaceman opened his mouth slightly, but before any he could make any words, a violent cough racked his body, causing more blood to dribble out of him onto the cold metal floor. Orange moved his hand to Blue's cheek, wiping the corner of his mouth before placing a figure to his lips to signal him to be quiet. "Don't think that's the best idea, buddy."

Blue tried to smile again, but Orange could tell it was just too painful for him. He hated this, if he was going to lose the greatest person in his life, he didn't want them to suffer. Why couldn't his death at least have been quick and painless like the deaths Orange had inflicted on those who had hurt him. He began to regret ever being so kind, but either way, it wasn't going to change anything.

Orange sniffed and wiped his nose, reaching a hand down to wrap in Blue's uninjured left hand. He gave a dark chuckle before looking away, trying his best to focus on his memories rather than the pain he was currently in. "It's kind of funny isn't it. Ever since you first found out I was an alien, you always had a little bit of fear that you would die at my hands, but in the end, it ends up being another human that did it..." He sniffled again, wiping at his eyes as the world around him became blurry with tears. He could feel the hand in his tighten in a gentle squeeze, but he still stared straight ahead. "I'm sorry about all the shit I've put you through, blowing up your ship, pretty much ruining your life and making you a refugee on the run... but we had some pretty good times right...?" Orange swallowed as he could feel his voice shake and his throat ache in wanting to sob or yell or do something to let it out, but he wasn't going to waste valuable time. "Like... remember when w-we stole that space pirate's ship... of course we g-got arrested but... it was s-still a good t-time... r-right?" Orange could feel hot tears stream down his face, but he tried his best to keep going. "A-and remember w-when w-we... we..."

Suddenly he felt a soft pressure against his lips, and looking down he saw it was Blue, returning the same silencing gesture he had given him earlier. Orange couldn't stop the tears or the occasional whimper that escaped his lips, but he nodded and watched Blue, waiting for him to move again. Finally the human returned his hand to Orange's hand, slowly sliding it up his wrist before lifting it again. The blood on his gloves acting as a sort of ink, Blue sloppily wrote out a message along the sleeve of his spacesuit before letting his hand droop again in exhaustion.

Orange looked down at his arm with tear filled eyes, but the sight only made him cry harder. Shaking and sobbing, he bent down, pressing a kiss to Blue's battered lips before resting his forehead against the other's. "I-I love you t-too you big idiot... Please don't leave me..." he mumbled, letting his tears fall and wash streaks of blood off Blue's face. He closed his eyes and sobbed, muttering "I love you"s and "Don't go"s until he finally felt the grip of the hand in his go limp. Even then, it took him a while to straighten up and gently close the eyelid over Blue's empty brown eye.

He sniffed, wrapping his arms around the man. He didn't know exactly where he was going, but as he lifted his only friend's lifeless body into his arms, he knew that he would have to find a place to bury him. Sighing, he pressed a final kiss to his partner's forehead and walked on.

"I'm so sorry." 

Credit to gliber-t on tumblr

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