Untitled (S)

194 7 1

TW: Makeouts, Teen!Cast AU


You'd think that with how casually the whole event went down, Sips'd be able to let the entire ordeal slip from his memory completely. He'd never been sentimental, never seen the appeal in holding on to items, or passing moments. In all the time he and Sjin had been together, they'd never celebrated a single anniversary. Sips figured that might change a bit after things went legal, but who's to say when things began, who the fuck cares about a handful of "firsts"? What makes them more special than anything else?

...Still, and it was the paramount of all cliches, and it made him roll his eyes at himself, but he still... He still remembers, and just fucking bare with him here for a goddamn second, his and Sjin's first kiss. There's no fucking reason to, and it's ridiculous, all that's left of their first time in Sips' memory is only a flurry of laughs (equal parts excited and nervous, on both ends) and a hundred flitting fingers over skin, but, still. Still this dumb fucking evening hangs in his mind in vivid detail. The worst part of it all is the stupid grin that snuck its way onto his face whenever he thought of it, and if that isn't the lamest goddamn thing in the world. He doesn't know if Sjin remembers it, and he doesn't care to ask.

It was at beginning of seventh grade, and the middle school popped the bright idea to throw some sort of mock-homecoming dance. Extra tame, not enough hormones floating around yet to merit hips clumsily grinding against hips, nor the dismissiveness of chaperones to allow it, or so he had been told. They hadn't attended. A friend of a friend's brother was throwing a party, a promise of a thrilling evening, in theory. In practice, it was equally tame. The high point of the night was when some kid in Sips' math class ("His name is Nilesy," a friend had whispered in his ear) almost passed out from choking on pizza. The music was shit, the food was shit, and nobody was any good at video games. Sips was getting antsy.

Sjin had nudged him for his attention. "Let's look around a bit, yeah? Maybe they have something dangerous lying around."

Sips doubted it, but anything was better than watching these dumdums talk about nothing until Sips' mom picked them up, so he let Sjin wrap his clammy hand around his own and lead him away.

"We'll be back in, uh, in a bit!" Sjin called back on the off-chance anyone cared. No one seemed to. Their friend offered them a half-hearted wave. He tugged on Sips' a bit before continuing to lead him away from the mass. A door laid at the end of the hallway, showing obvious signs of tired parents raising several high-energy kids, worn wood marked with crayon and sharpie. Sjin opened it, revealing stairs cascading into darkness. He let go of Sips' hand to grope around for a light switch. When he flips it on, the light reveals the concrete and wires of an unfinished basement.

"I think we found their basement," Sjin said, descending the stairs.

"Oh, wow, good job bucko," Sips replied with heavy-handed sarcasm, following Sjin down.

"Oh, shut it!" Sjin called back.

Once on the same level, they surveyed their surroundings. It was anticlimactic in appearance, much like the rest of the evening had panned out, but they stole a cheap thrill from simply being somewhere they probably shouldn't. The basement was small, or at least crowded, with piles of hoarded shit and a rattling washer/drier set, along with a lumpy sofa. Sips snatched something to fiddle with and lied down (collapsed, with vigor) on the sofa. An odd scent seemed to be expelled by the pressure Sips' weight applied to it, but he barely noticed. Sjin clambered onto the arm on the opposite side of Sips.

"This place is kind of shitty, huh?" Sjin said.

"The whole house is kind of shitty. Besides, haven't you ever seen an unfinished basement before?"

"Of course I've seen an unfinished basement before. This one takes them all, though."

Sips nodded absently. "Yeah, you would think so, seeing as it's literally made of shit."

Sjin laughed. "Yeah. Kind of smells."

His laugh faded out and a lull fell between the two of them, for a moment. Sips discarded whatever bullshit he had been fucking around with, and stared at the ceiling, covered with water stains.

"Hey, Sips?" Sjin asked, nerves playing into his voice a bit.


"Uh," Sjin moved from his position perched on the arm of the sofa, and clambered, gracelessly and unsure, on top of Sips, so his elbows rested on the other arm, and their noses hovered an inch from each other. "Um."

Slow and ever-cautious, Sjin lowered his eyes and kissed Sips, once, briefly. His lips were kind of chapped and he smelled like cheese and tomatoes and Sips could sort of feel his braces and it felt familiar. It was their first, but it still felt familiar, and of course it did. Sjin was hardly a stranger, nor was the warmth of his body. The warmth of his breath was, sort of, but not really.

"Is that all you've got?" Sips asked, teasing.

"Like, what? Tongue?"

Sips laughed. "Yeah, sure."

Sjin cleared his throat and laughed nervously. "I'm uh. I'm probably not very good at it."

"Sure, whatever. Who cares? I'm not either."

Sjin declined with a peck on Sips' cheek. He curled up next to Sips and stared off somewhere into the distance. Another lull in energy passed over them until Sjin spoke up again.

"I think I'm in love with you."

That, at least, wasn't the first time he had heard that.

"Mm. Me too."

Credit to poostnight805 on tumblr

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