Dessert (N)

262 3 1

TW: Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Feeding, Feeding Kink, Weight Gain, Stuffing, Belly Kink, Button Popping

  Sips sucked in his gut as he pulled the trousers shut. It had been years since he'd last worn the jeans, and it was no secret that he'd gained some weight over those few years. As he let out the breath he was holding the fabric grew tighter, cutting into his middle. He told himself it would only be a couple of hours until he could take them off, or before Sjin took them off for him.

The thought put a smile on his lips, until he looked down in the mirror, the buttons on his old chequered shirt protested against his size, his trousers threating to explode and spill his gut.


Sjin chuckled quietly, trying his hardest to contain his excitement. Sips had never been over to the farm before, and Sjin had very specific plans for the evening.

Shooing Xephos away from the farm, urging him to go and help the Hole Diggers for a day, Sjin had finally been left alone with only hours to prepare for the evening. As the time ticked by, the list of tasks he had to complete slowly shortening, Sjin found himself growing more and more anxious about how the evening would go. He'd never attempted anything like this before, only in his wildest dreams.

He'd been sending Sips little gifts, baskets of everything he knew was his favourites. The last time he'd been away with the HAT guys he'd come back slimmer, and the same occurred when he was with Xephos and Turps, he'd forget to eat, but when he had something there he'd idly tuck into it throughout the day. Sjin wished he could be there to see the pale man enjoying the variety of things he prepared from him on an almost weekly basis, but tonight would have to suffice, one night to try and convince him that it should be a permanent occasion.

The heavy knock on the door shocked him as he finally prepared the table. Laying down the final details (a plate of small pastry parcels) and throwing off his apron, Sjin ran to the door. With a few deep breaths and sweaty palms he pulled the door open.

"You took your time." Sips chuckled, sounding quite breathless. Sjin could immediately tell the reason why, his stomach pulled in and chest puffed out, the shape didn't look quite right on the short man, but he held his breath anyway, holding the position.

As the pale man stepped foot inside the farmhouse his eyes fell immediately on the table in the centre of the room, set out carefully, a plate already placed at either end of the table. The smell of the freshly prepared food caught him off his guard as he inhaled the aroma. Sjin watched with a hidden smile as Sips let go of the breath his stomach expanding until the fabric of his clothes wouldn't allow it to go any further. He'd missed it, craved it so much, holding Sips' plump body against his own, kneading the soft dough of his stomach.

"It smells good." Sips sighed, pulling the farmer from his day dreams.

"Yeah, I've been cooking all day, I hope you're hungry."

Sauntering over to the oven to check on the meal he almost missed it, Sips readjusting himself in his tight trousers, sitting down in the chair slowly, led back slightly, his belly protruding from his middle, strips of pale skin and dark hair revealed in between his buttons.

"What are these?" Sips inquired, squeezing one of the tiny parcels of pastry, and watching as a thick yellow substance began to ooze from it.

"Try it and see." Sjin instructed, smiling as he continued to prepare the meal, his eyes flicking back to Sips as he tentatively took a bite, chewing slowly, carefully, before swallowing.

"They've got your fuckin' chillies in them haven't they?!" Sips' asked with a chuckle

"Is that a problem, if you don't like them...?"

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