Yorkie Bars and Time Behind Bars (S)

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TW: Teen!Cast AU where Zoey and Sips are siblings

Sjin tried to be no longer surprised when Sips didn't turn up to school. But with Sjin being Sjin it always took him a while to accept the fact Sips wasn't going to school that day. The absence of him on the street corner in wait for his lift, morning registration and sometimes even first period Sjin expected Sips to stroll on in, excuse in hand. Yet he never did.
Sips sometimes had his reasons or not, from the exaggerated stories -"...then there was this guy with this gun..."- to a simple smirk and "Honest, Sjin? Couldn't be bothered." Sips claimed he didn't need school and Sjin can see it. Sips pretty much knew everything he needs to know, or cared to know, and when he did turn up he just showed up the teacher and makes wise cracks throughout the lesson. It's sometimes best that Sips didn't turn up at school. Sjin watched as the teachers and some classmates sighed in relief.

However Sjin was slightly curious to why his friend hadn't informed him about his day off but then again it was Sips, and Sips did things on impulses. No plan but just living in the moment. Sjin had his friend figured out as much as he possibly could, or attempted to figure out, but even that wasn't enough. There was so much more to Sips and so much more to keep up with, so instead of giving yourself a headache, Sjin had suffered many, it was best to let Sips just be. Let Sips be Sips.

So Sjin hung out with his other friends. Sips' company absent and missed but Sjin had other people to fill the time with. He viewed his choices between Xephos and Hannah's group. But Duncan was sat with Xephos today, instead of working in the science lab, head buried away in a book but half cocked to the animated story Honeydew was telling to Xephos, who in response did alot of sighing. A second nature response to Xephos who seemed tired of his friend's antics but the small smile gave away the truth. He, like Sjin, would never grow weary or tired of their certain friends. As Sjin chuckled quietly to himself Xephos caught his eye, flashed him a quick smile and nod of the head, so Sjin returned the gesture and felt Duncan's hostile glare, sharp blue eyes narrowing in distaste. Honeydew too oblivious to notice the reason when Xephos smacked Dunan over the head with the 'So You Want to Be a Pig Farmer' guidebook on the table.

Sjin however wasn't feeling in the mood to start conflict especially without his backup, instead he backed up and headed over to Hannah's group. Nilesy, arms gesturing wildly and accent thick, in mid speech about his recent job as a pool boy with a 'You guys should've seen how awful the pool was!' Sjin slipped between Minty, who blushed offering a shy smile, and Zoey, who grinned at him, silently putting a mushroom cupcake in his lap. Sjin felt no need to ask Zoey if she knew where her brother since the cupcake was done for reassurance. She like Sjin knew what Sips was like, unlike Sjin though, Zoey was cool about it and never let it bother her. Hence the cupcake, she knew what Sjin was like. He accepted it with a smile, gracious for her consideration.

Rythian gave him a wary stare but held his tongue from a warning stare from Zoey, Sjin was curious to know how that worked due to her goggles but figured Rythian was whipped enough to just know what Zoey would think, as he adjusted his scarf further up his face and turned his gaze to Teep taking shot at the canteen's wall with his bow and arrow set. Not real arrows mind, not since the last incident. Sjin let the comfort and wave of other friends fill that much needed ache of friendship yet without sparing a moment to not think of Sips and what he was up to.

The day slipped by but to Sjin it dragged by too long. He would get a terrible itch when Sips wasn't about, a tick, almost. Eyeing the clock, he drummed his fingers across the desk, which earned a slap on his hand by Hannah who did the same to Nilesy who had began rapping to the subconscious beat Sjin had created. Xephos simply raised his eyebrows smirking slightly at the two nursing their abused hands and handed Hannah his equations in a silent thank you. Hannah accepted the offering, grinning and humming happily to herself, and refused to let Nilesy see the book much to his despair.

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