One Day (S)

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TW: Seriously fluff, Internal Monologue 

One day, Sjin thinks to himself, one day Sips is going to realize. He will realize Sjin's feelings for him, and everything will go wrong. He will notice that the joking in his sexual innuendos had disappeared years before, and will leave Sjin.

It hasn't happened yet, through all the years they have been partners, but Sjin is positive he will slip up in some way. The other guys probably wouldn't notice, passing it off as the usual playful banter and comments. Sips would, though.

It gets kind of difficult to hide everything, though. He will stare at the ceiling for hours at a time, just trying to figure out how far he can go without being noticed. How many times can you make references to somebody's dick or sex in one day without it being suspicious? How many times can you jokingly rub somebody's thigh and pet their hair?

The fact that he will get questions like "Of your friends, who has the best laugh?" doesn't help at all. He knows the answer immediately. Sips has the best laugh, the best smile, the best hair, the best everything. He cherishes every moment when Sips will make fun of the stupidest little things he does, his laugh embracing Sjin happily.

It's not even offending to him, the insults. He doesn't take it seriously, for one, and it's always something small, something that makes Sjin smile and know that Sips paid attention to Sjin enough to notice something like that. He knows that Sips isn't really the most attentive person in the world for everything else, but he is different around Sjin. He has seen Sips completely ignore Duncan or Lewis, murmuring a "Yeah" before shaking his head and admitting that he wasn't listening nor caring.

With Sjin, though, he notices every small little detail, from the smallest speck of dirt in his mustache to if his shoes are untied. Sjin is positive he doesn't even look at himself that much.

Which is partially why Sjin loves Sips so much. He just doesn't care, his joking and nonchalant annoying the "Girl Scout Factory" to no end. It's so comforting to Sjin, a change to his usually stressful day, being able to come home after a long day of building, walking in just as Sips finally gets up from sleeping. His tired eyes lighting up, a grin spreading across his face as he greets Sjin with a familiar, "There you are! The bed was cold without you, ya' bastard!"

Sjin would laugh before Sips pushes him into the kitchen, forcing him to make breakfast, even though it was already quite a while after noon. His inability to be serious and actually get work down is so comforting to Sjin, the nights they would stay up giggling about how Sips had annoyed Lewis and Simon that day, Sips playing with Sjin's hair and placing flowers of all different colours in it.

Everything would run through his head as he wondered how he should answer the question. Should he admit that the answer is Sips, or just go with somebody else? Should he elaborate at all, explain why Sips' laugh is amazing?

He ended up just sticking with the simple answer of just "Sips". After running over what he should say in his head and a million crumpled up sheets of paper, he decided to just let the name stand by itself. Lying about who it was is kind of just rude to the asker, and he didn't ask for an explanation in the first place, so why put one? It ended up giving away that Sjin loved Sips, if he put an explanation, anyway. Sjin loves the way his eyes crinkle just enough when he laughs, his grin spreading ear to ear, his head tilting back as the smallest tear squeezes from his eye.

Sjin would find himself going on forever about his laugh, listing every small detail about him that he loved, from the glint in his eye to the way he leans forever ever so slightly, something that only really becomes prominent when he is laughing especially hard.

He remembers when, during Christmas, Sips managed to convince him to sing "I Believe in a Thing Called Love". He felt like he was floating as Sips' hysterical laughter filled his ears, as he literally rolled on the floor, tearing coming from his eyes when Sjin shrieked out a particularly high note.

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