Sips? (S)

118 5 1

TW: Major Character Death, Super Angst

"It hurts."
"Yeah I know. But it'll be fine. Just don't look at it ok?"


"It's not hurting so much anymore."
"Ok, but shut up alright, people will find us otherwise."
"Just stay quiet you big bastard."


"It's getting dark out isn't it?"
"...Yeah. Sure. Sun's going down. No light in the sky."
"What about stars?"
"All the lights in the sky are stars. Nah, I dunno, I can't really see from here."


"Can you see anyone out there?"
"I dunno the sky's a bit bright it's hard to look up and out, you know."
"Yeah, you know the sun you big dumb dumb."
"I thought it was night."
"I can't see anything."


"I can't feel my legs anymore."
"Just don't move around ok? Don't make it worse."
"You sound worried."
"I'm not worried. They should be worried. When you get better I'm gonna go out and kick their sorry butts so hard their mothers feel it."
"It hurts to laugh."
"Then don't you big baby."
"But people love my laugh."
"So modest."
"Ok, I'll stop."


"Talking hurts."
"Then don't talk. Just stay there and stay calm, you'll be fine, I promise you'll be fine."


"Are you there?"
"I'm right here dumbass"
"I'm cold. And I can't tell if you're there anymore. Everything hurts again, Sips."
"It's ok, it's all ok."
"Sips I can't feel anything. Sips I can't even feel myself."
"That's ok, just please don't die yet. Please not now. We can get you healed up if we just wait for a while, we can make it to th-"
"I love you."




Credit to SomethingSomeoneSaidOnce

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