I've Never Left Sips...

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TW: Sad, Spoilers for Feed The World #1

All night, trapped in your protective prison of dirt, you wished you would hear his voice. You thought you did, once or twice.

"Sjin, you big dum-dum, what are you doing out here, hiding like a babby?" He'd laugh at you and easily dispatch the skeleton, its arrows failing to even scratch his armor. He'd dig you out quick enough, haranguing you about the low quality of the dirt you buried yourself in. When he realized you'd stolen most of your materials from Sips Co., he'd probably even give you a good go with the official company poking stick.

But at least he'd be with you. He'd probably try to take you back to Sips Co. to repair everything. When you refused to go back to with him to your old haunt, you wondered if he might stay. Sips had no love of animals, but he could handle the crops well enough. You could almost hear him spying his first beehive. "Sjin, come look as these busy little bastards!"

"It's just like that one movie." The dirt swallowed your whisper. You heard the skeleton notch another arrow, wondering if the noise meant it would get another shot. Sighing, you huddled up tighter. Someday you'll be glad you left. You'll have a sprawling farm, full of animals and fields and machines. Sips, the guys from Honeydew Inc., even Rythian, in his own crybaby way, would admire the flourishing of your hard work.

With his empire turned to sand, Sips would come to you. He wouldn't ask and you wouldn't invite him, but he would infuse himself into your life again. You would teach him how everything worked and tease him about his general dislike of animals. He would roll his eyes and make fun of your overalls. You would curl up at night in your double bed (farmhouses are awful drafty) and fall asleep to the sound of Sips' heavy breathing and the natural chorus of the night.

Snuggling into the dirt pile, you hugged your arms around yourself tighter and immersed yourself in your dream until daybreak.

Credit to tikukolover on tumblr

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