High School Parties (S)

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TW: Suggestive Themes, Teen!Cast 

This was one of those typical high school parties. In that one part of the neighborhood that was done up all nice but for some fucking reason there was always that one house littered with people, loud music, and booze. No one gave a damn about it either, even if it was trashing the streets and on a school night. Rich people could afford the dilemmas of life.

It wasn't really his scene nor was he the social type to come to events like this but with free alcohol why complain?

Sips leaned against the archway that split the living spaces from the hall and watched while kids got drunk out of their mind going up against the midget kid who always bested everyone in shots. How he did it, was a mystery, but he still managed to shock everyone for some reason or another like it was going to change when someone new challenged him.

That's why Sip's always bet on him.

The crowd cheered as the little guy kicked their arses once again standing proud and tall atop the coffee table. He basked in the glory as people counted their loses. Sips got his bit when Nilesy walked by in an angry huff giving him an unholy look of anger and deception that made Sips chuckle, "Don't look so mad poolboy, you're the one who made the bet after all."

The Scott wiggled his nose in a furious manner as he slapped the wad in Sips's hand before storming off. Sips was a conman. He'd admit to that, but it's not like he did it without purpose. It was hard not to deceive people when they were being ignorant dolts and was practically handing out some serious life lessons here. Just managing to make a profit out of it as well.

After business was all taken care of Sips let his mind wonder off into the crowd while taking another swig from the bottle. It was lame how all the people in his class where such lightweights; barley had a drink and were all over the fucking place. It's no wonder they were still treated like children; at this rate there was little hope for his generation.

Amongst the disappointing realizations from the ongoing party, farmboy walked in. Wasn't he out of place? Isn't it against some kind of law for the farmers kid to go to parties? Yet there he was, standing in the foyer expecting someone to come and greet him or something; what a dumb dumb.

Sjin look around, most likely asking himself why he was even there in the first place. One of his friends probably invited him or Martyn who always throws theses affairs. He had a way of making you feel like you're the one person he wants to be there when in reality you never see him even at the place. The only person he ever wants to hang out with is that freshman Toby.

To think he was just waiting to see if he'd come and greet him, Sjin obviously didn't know how these things work. At least when a tub of ice passed by he swiped beer from it. Intelligent country boy was catching on.

Sips rose his glass to him; maybe there was hope for their society after all but when Sjin attempted to drink the beer with the cap still on and managing to knock himself in the teeth cause that notion dwindle.

The sight threated mead to come forth from Sips's nose. Burning the inside of his nostrils as he held back the liquid with his hand. The adorable yet moronic act of stupidity was the most noobish thing you could do in the history of idiotic things you can do at a party (and those were usually done after you've had a few drinks).

Sips wiped his nose trying to properly breathe from it again only to have the cool air make it burn worse. Sjin was more clueless then he thought. God what was he thinking? The guy obviously felt stupid afterwards and had to look around to see if anyone caught that mistake while rubbing his now sore gum. He better be glad it was only Sips that did cause someone would have definitely point it out for everyone to see. And lets face it; Sjin wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment.

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