Training Wheels (N)

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TW: Teen!Cast, Blow jobs, First Time

The brightest point of Sips' day anymore was lunch. Lunch was the only time he and Sjin had together now that the school year had started back up, so they were sure to make the most of it. Today's rendezvous point was a cramped, but seldom used study cubicle in the back of the library that Strife had told them about.

When he got there, Sjin was standing beside the door and making way too obvious of a display of all the books and papers he would he was bringing in with him. While loudly shuffling the papers in his folder for the fifth time, Sips struck; sneaking up on him and trapping him and his study props in Sips' worn letterman jacket. He caught Sjin's surprised squeak in a deep kiss and dragged him in the door.

Sips dropped into a chair, watching as his boyfriend made a show of bending over to put down his books in the corner and sauntering over with an exaggerated swagger. The jackass could even make a dim, glorified closet look like a catwalk. As soon as he was within arm's reach, Sips grabbed his rear and pulled him onto his lap.

"Sorry," he whispered between hungry, urgent kisses. His hands rubbed upwards, one resting on his boyfriend's back, the other curling roughly in his hair. He inhaled the sweet smell of Sjin's shampoo and kissed the existing hickeys and marks on his neck before making new ones.

"If this is how you say sorry, I think I'll live," Sjin tilted his head back obediently as Sips bit down hard on his collarbone. Sips replied by pulling Sjin closer, hard-on rubbing obvious friction against the underclassman.

Sjin wriggled against this new position, trying to get comfortable around protrusion. Sips grabbed his hips to keep him still, burying a contented moan against his neck. "You trying to kill me, Sjin? You're going to be the one who has to explain to my parents how I died. You going to tell my mum I was humped to death, huh?"

"I'm sorry, Sipsy," Sjin's own erection was beginning to strain at his jeans. "What was the problem again? Was it this?" he rolled his hips as much as he could against Sips' restraint, earning a long, low satisfied groan.

"Jesus, Sjin, I have to go back to class after this," he leaned back, pressing a hand against his lips. Sjin followed, purposely rutting against him as he stood. He dropped gracefully to his shaking knees and leaned against Sips' parted thighs, staring thoughtfully.

"Get up a sec, I wanna try something," he reached for Sips' belt buckle.

Sips stood, undoing his pants hesitantly, "You sure you're ready for this, toots?" he asked softly. His pants dropped to his knees and Sjin pushed him back into the chair, pulling one foot out of the mess of fabric.

"I just," Sjin shuffled forward between his thighs, "I want to try." He moved Sips' swollen cock out through the hole in his boxers and stared at it unsure. It looked a lot bigger and a lot wider at eye-level than it had any of the other times they'd messed around. He wrapped it lightly with both hands and began tugging, wrinkling the smooth skin up and down as he tried to swallow his nervousness.

"Sjin, it's no big deal. Really," he reached down to stroke Sjin's hair gently. His boyfriend studied the ancient carpet, then lunged at him suddenly. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to take the whole thing in his mouth at once. Sips jerked in surprise, trying to stop Sjin before he gave him a hickey in a very inconvenient place. He pulled Sjin upright and patted his lap again. Sjin climbed back on and Sips trapped him in a hug.

"You're not ready. It's okay," his boyfriend deflated in his arms. Sips pulled him tighter and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Come on, you big babby, I didn't say I was done with you yet." The upperclassman pressed his mouth against Sjin's again, tongue caressing his smooth lips until they parted. Sips reached down between them, undoing Sjin's jeans. He picked him up, and moved them to the rickety wooden table in the middle of the room. Sjin barely had time to wriggle out of his trousers before he was bent over the table. Sips pressed himself into Sjin's back, cock fitting perfectly against his boxer-covered ass. He reached around to ease the fabric off Sjin's erection and began stroking in time with his thrusts.

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