Sunscreen (N)

435 12 3

TW: Sexual content

It was intensely hot outside, Sjin decided, placing a heavy sandstone brick on the hydropower facility walls. Too hot to be working in an insulated space suit that was already full of his sweat, it was sticking unpleasantly to his skin. He felt like a chicken slow-roasting in an oven. The sunlight beat down unrelentingly, reflecting off the sandstone, brick and marble of the compound, into the slender builder's eyes. With a sigh, he made sure his work didn't look too sloppy, and descended to the dry grass using the magic of his flying ring.

He was just in the Sipsco tower, changing out of his suit into his Speedos, when Sips walked in on him. "Jesus Sjin you should check out the factory, I thought it'd be cooler in there with all that open space but those bricks just soak up the heat! I'm dyin' here, ya know, like Bruce Willis in that movie- Sjin what are you doing?"

Sjin looked up, a light hearted smile on his face as he held his sweaty spacesuit out in front of him, before deciding to hang it up outside. "Well Sips I was just thinking, it's a bit too hot to do any work today."

"Jesus Sjin we've got deadlines! What if those chumps at Honeydink-?"

"Sips, they've got a long way to go yet. And anyway, why worry about them? We'll own all of the land in Minecraftia in no time," He replied chirpily, and strode past Sips to the door, hesitating for a moment to add, "And the movie you were thinking of was clearly The Proposal." He waltzed out, leaving Sips to chuckle for a moment before yelling "W-wait a second!"

Ignoring his boss for the first time in ages, Sjin grinned to himself as he pinned his spacesuit to the perimeter fence. Yes, it was good to get out of that thing again. He missed his loincloth days sometimes, feeling the breeze against his skin and the earth between his toes. He was by no means simple or uncultured, but that didn't mean he didn't have an appreciation for the earth and nature, no matter how many times he'd destroyed it in the past and intended to in the future. The brunette wandered back to the side of the pool, his feet quickening on the white hot surface of the marble, and settled on his front on a lounge chair, resting his bristly cheek on his arm and sighing. The warmth of the sun filled him up, but this time it was not unpleasant. His eyes began to droop as he gave in to the cradling heat.

He was awakened from his doze by the sound of feet padding towards him a few moments later. "God damn it Sjin, you're gonna get sunburnt out in this heat," Sips' voice grumbled, filling the air around him. Sjin cracked and eye open and looked up. The stockier man was wearing a pair of pink swimming trunks, absolutely caked in sunscreen, and staring down at the architect with a concerned frown.

Chuckling, Sjin lifted his head. "You know I don't burn as easily as you Sips. Are you sure you've got enough sunscreen on there?"

"Yeah I'm sure you big chump. Jesus Christ it's hot," Sips muttered, and as Sjin watched he saw the lumberjack squeeze some sunscreen onto his palms. When his eyes met Sips' he grinned widely and settled into the lounger more comfortably. "Yeah yeah, I know what you want," was all Sips said before he swung a leg over the lounger and straddled Sjin's back. The slender man purred as sunscreen was carefully spread across his back, the firm weight of his partner on top of him causing a small pool of heat to start in his lower belly with anticipation. Sips was talking about something to do with Ryan Reynolds confessing his love for Bruce Willis at the altar before Hulk Hogan swung in and killed Bruce with the tie handed down to Ryan from his grandmother and how tragic it was. Usually, he'd join in, but it was warm and Sips' strong, wide palms were gradually pressing more and more into his back and shoulders as he began to massage.

"Mmmmmmmm," Sjin practically purred as Sips' thumbs dug right into a tight muscle behind his neck.

"You're not even listening to me, are you?" Sips sniggered, his hips shifting on Sjin's lower back. He stroked the tips of his thumbs quickly behind Sjin's ears, and was rewarded with a moan. "God Sjin what has the heat done to you?"

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