Let It Go (S)

219 11 1

TW: RPF, crossdressing, crossdressing kink, wig kink, Sjelsa, implied stuff at the end

"With the way you've reacted to Trott in that leotard, I can't even imagine what you thought of Sjin." Lewis was saying as he poured himself cup of tea, this time from a pot he'd made himself. The stream was finally over, but neither he nor Sips had made any moves to leave as of yet, the exhaustion of having just finished a nine hour stream currently winning out over the craving for actual warm beds.

"What, that... Disney shit?" Sips asked as he stretched, leaning back in his chair and shutting his eyes behind his gaming shades. "I heard about that. Bet it was fucking ridiculous."

"You mean you haven't actually seen it?" Lewis sounded almost offended by this idea, and Sips heard him quickly sit up, groaning a bit as he likely did so too fast for his rather intoxicated brain. "You're not getting away with that. Hannah won't let me stop seeing it."

"Is it really that bad?" Yawning, Sips reluctantly sat up too, forcing his eyes open in order to look at the computer screen as Lewis opened up a video. When he actually focused his attention on the video though, well... suddenly it wasn't nearly so hard to keep his eyes open.

He'd seen pictures of Sjin in drag before. There was nothing about this that should have come as a surprise to him, but he couldn't help but be surprised. Sjin was actually kind of pretty. It should have been completely hilarious, with the beard Sjin hadn't bothered to shave, and the way his dress kept disappearing due to the green screen, and it was funny, but it was a lot more than just funny. It was actually kind of... hot? No. Wait, yeah, no, it was not hot. Definitely not hot.

"Speechless, huh? So was I." Lewis commented with a chuckle, suddenly reminding Sips that he wasn't alone. He forced his gaze away from the screen, knowing that he was probably fixating on it a bit more than he should have been. Of course, he only managed to look away for a second or so before he found his eyes drawn back. He blinked a few times and reached out to pause the video, letting out a laugh.

"I can't take any more of that if I'm going to sleep tonight." He joked, earning another chuckle from Lewis, who thankfully changed the subject to the fact that it was obscenely late and they both very much needed sleep. Sips was incredibly grateful for that.


Sips hated himself sometimes, and now was one of those times. His stupid joke had turned out to be a little too close to the truth, as despite his tiredness, he couldn't seem to keep his eyes closed.

It was Lewis' fault, showing him that fucking video. Now the song was stuck in his head. Yeah, the song was definitely what was keeping him up. It was just too god damn catchy. Something about... flurries of snow or... something?

Before he really knew what he was doing, he'd pulled out his phone and typed out a few quick messages.

A/N: Sips' messages are the bold, Sjin's are italisized

-what the fuck is that song?

-the one with the snow

-from that stupid movie

-the snow movie

He wasn't really expecting an answer, especially when it was this late- or early. He actually had no idea. It therefore gave him quite a start when his text tone went off after less than a minute.

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