52~ A Battle Against All Odds -part two-

Start from the beginning


The two of them ducked an attack and dodged out of the way as a pirate from Jones' crew swung at them, his back pressed against the mast. While he was undefended, they both stabbed him and he fell to the deck. However, they and the rest of the crew of the Black Pearl soon realized it was taking a lot more than simple stabbing to kill those of the Dutchman crew.

"Elizabeth." Will lunged forward while they had a moment to breathe and grabbed her forearm. "Will you marry me?"

Elizabeth's jaw dropped but before he could answer a pirate charged at them, and they locked their swords with that of the pirate against the mast. "I don't think now's the best time!" She exclaimed, quickly whirling her sword free and beheading the pirate as Will fought off another.

"Now may be the only time!" He answered, kicking a Company soldier backwards not the blade of another pirate. The two of them continued fighting for several minutes before they both got the chance to recover their breath, and Will grabbed her forearm once again. "I love you."

Elizabeth's expression was unreadable, but again she didn't have time to answer as Will flung her aside at another battle cry from a pirate. She locked blades with a pirate and quickly stabbed him, withdrawing her blade just as quickly and fighting off another at the same time as Will.

HE grabbed her firearm a third time. "I've made my choice," he said. "What's yours?"

Elizabeth stared at him for a moment. "Barbossa," she called, looking up at the helm where the Captain was fighting hard out. Will frowned in confusion. "Marry us!" Will's frown disappeared as he understood what she was saying.

Barbossa unbalanced his opponent long enough to whirl around and yell, "I'm a little busy at the moment!"

Will and Elizabeth continued fighting, which seemed to be getting more intense as cannons kept firing - but few now - and more pirates from both ships boarded on both sides. This really was a war.

Will finally had a chance to yell, "Barbossa, now!" Before diving back into the fight.

At the helm, Barbossa stabbed one pirate and caused him to stab the two behind him, the wind blowing. His scraggly hair about his face despite the hat and bandana keeping it flat. "Fine, then!" He yelled, yanking his sword free.

Elizabeth and Will both disabled more pirates while staying within range of one another, and Barbossa got up o the pedestal in front of the wheel, kicking a pirate in the face before recovering his feet, still fighting. Will and Elizabeth tore free of the fighting and Will held ELizabeth in his arms as they looked up at the Captain.

In between the moments he was locked blades with a pirate Barbossa placed a hand over his heart and said, "Dearly beloved, were gathered here today..." A pirate charged at him with a yell. "To nail your gizzards to the mast, you poxy cur." HE kicked the pirate in. The face as he said this, earning confused looks from Will and ELizabeth below.

Elizabeth suddenly ducked as Will whirled his sword around horizontally, catching two pirates that charged at them. Fighting their way free, they moved around the mast and clasped hands. "Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?" Will asked.

"I do!" ELizabeth said with a small laugh, grinning.

"Great," Will grinned.

Elizabeth's eyes widened and Will turned just in time to block the attack of a pirate of Jones' crew. Elizabeth sliced her blade across the gut of a COmpany soldier and as they moved across the deck she grabbed Will's forearm in her free hand. "Will Turner, do you take me..." They both stabbed and slashed at pirates. "... to be your wife..." Will lifted his arm and Elizabeth twirled beneath it, both of them locking blades with pirates before killing them. Will released Elizabeth's arm and they fought back to back as she continued: "... in sickness and in health..." She blocked the blade of a pirate and from behind her Will stabbed him. "... with health being the less likely?"

At the helm, Barbossa whirled around and thrust his sword between his feet into the chest of a Company soldier, laughing. With one foot Elizabeth kicked the pirate away and they continued fighting. Elizabeth ducked again as Will beheaded a pirate in a moment of rest Will turned and held her in his arms.

"I do."

Elizabeth could not help the small smile on her face, nor the look of adoration as she gazed at his through the rain and the fighting going on around them.

But the moment ended as they both ducked, causing two pirates to strike each other instead, and they quickly disarmed them. Back at the helm, Barbossa swung his sword arm back and forth as he crossed blades with two beings at once - one of Jones' crew and a Company soldier. "As captain I now pronounce you..."

Elizabeth leant far over Will's shoulder as she stabbed a pirate behind him, and he did the same, before placing her back on her feet.

"You may kiss..." Barbossa broke off and brought out his pistol, laughing as he shot at a Company soldier approaching him.

Will brought Elizabeth into his arms in a dip, and leant in to kiss her but had to pull away quickly as a Company soldier ran at them. They both killed him in seconds and straightened up.

Barbossa jumped down from the pedestal and tried again as he kicked a pirate in the gut. "You may kiss..." He broke off again as he locked blades with another pirate.

Elizabeth and Will both sliced their blades across the guts of pirates before whirling around, expecting to find another enemy but instead locking their swords together in an 'X' formation. They froze, panting for breath.

Barbossa growled in frustration and stabbed one pirate then another. "Just kiss," he yelled at them before turning and locking blades with another pirate.

Elizabeth lowered her sword arm and pulled Will closer, their lips crashing onto each other's as they embraced one another tightly. They were locked in their own little bubble a moment of pure bliss which kept out the noises and distractions of the battle raging on around them.

From below deck, Pintel, Ragetti and Jack the monkey poked their heads up. They glanced around the mayhem, but the thing that caught their attention was Will and Elizabeth in the middle of the deck, strangely enough remaining unharmed and untouched by any blade or weapon as they slowly broke apart from the kiss. The two observing pirates smiled, remembering Elizabeth when they'd first met her and It was hard for them to believe they were looking at the same person.

Then Jack the monkey screeched and they turned to him, frowning, and brought him back below deck like one would remove a child from a sight they shouldn't see.

'Really?! You're getting married now?!" Maddie shouted as she ran past them with three pirate from JOnes' crew pursuing her.

Elizabeth turned to ear as she readied her sword and charged at one of them. "When else?" She yelled back.

"Perhaps a time when we're not fighting for our lives?!"

Will rolled his eyes at their banter and beheaded a pirate sneaking up on the two sister. From the way Maddie was smiling, despite the mad adrenaline rush running through her veins, Will could tell she was happy for her sister. And he was right; Maddie had been waiting for that moment for a long time, since the first official day had been interrupted and she had gone o Beth run again.

However, she made a mental note not to trust Barbossa with wedding vows.

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