29~ We Have A Heading

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

Okay... having Norrington follow me around like a lost puppy was not part of my original plan, but I can't exactly leave him here. Besides, he might be able to help me. How, I do not know. On the positive side of things, I've located Jack. He's making his way back to the docks, most likely to head out to sea again. It's now or never if I want to find Will and Maddie again.

Taking a deep breath, I walked down the dock towards him. "Captain Sparrow?"

"Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard." He merely glanced at me over his shoulder before continuing to walk.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he wouldn't recognize me, dressed as a boy. "I'm here to find the man I love." I tried a different approach as I came up behind him, halting a few metres away. God, that sounded weird

He stopped and without seeing his face I could tell he was somewhat alarmed. "I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea." I saw him flick his hand at Gibbs, who stood beside him, to me. I guess gesturing to get me away from him.

Yeah right, I've seen the way you look at my sister... "Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow," I said with a slight edge to my voice. Finally he turned around, clearly surprised with a hint of relief.

"Elizabeth." He turned to Gibbs and I heard him mutter, "Hide the rum," before walking slowly towards me, scanning me up and down. "You know these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin."

I scoffed. "Who are you to decide what I wear?"

"I'm merely saying they suit your young lass of a sister more. Especially with the things she gets up to." As he said this I noticed him flinch slightly, and I wondered if he was still nervous from Maddie throwing one of her knives at him (Yes, I heard all about that).

"So you have seen her?" I asked.

"Indeed, I have. Quite recently. Now, I hears you're supposed to be locked up?"

Okay, now he is starting to piss me off. "Jack. I know Will came to find you, where is he?"

He cleared his throat slightly and I braced myself for a ridiculous tale. "Darling, i am truly unhappy to have to tell you this, but through an unfortunate and entirely unforeseeable series of circumstances that had nothing whatsoever to do with me, poor Will - and Maddie - have been press-ganged into Davy Jones' crew."

Was it just me, or did I hear regret, guilt in his voice as he said my sister's name? "Davy Jones?"

I jumped slightly at the sound of someone vomiting behind me, and only just remembered that Norrington was here as well. "Oh, please," he drawled. "The Captain of the Flying Dutchman?" Honestly, am I the only one who doesn't hear of these things?"

"You look bloody awful, what are you doing here?" Trust Jack to put it so bluntly.

"You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax."

"You smell funny."

"Jack!" I interrupted, hiding a smile at their bickering. "All I want is to find Will." And Maddie.

"Are you certain? Is that what you really want most?"

"Of course," narrowed my eyes. What is he planning now?

He began leading me to the side as he talked, his hand on my back. "Because I would think you'd want to find a way to save Will most."

"And you'd have a way of doing that?" I raised an eyebrow.

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