19~ Fight or Flight?

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A/N: Hey everyone!

First update in... a few days! Sorry for the wait, I was trying to keep things interesting for you guys :)

It’s getting very tricky trying to tie everything in!



J xxx

P.S: YAY! Another pic of Jeffrey


*Maddie’s P.O.V*

It’s been just over 3 months since I left Port Royal to sail the seas with Jeffrey. Actually, I’m not actually sure, as we don’t have a calendar and we only go ashore to stock up on food and water. So, we’ve adapted to using the sun to tell time. Also, with my knife I’ve taken to scratching lines in the side to count the days we’ve been away. However, I do know that Will and my sister, Elizabeth, are due to be married any day now, so that is why we are sailing inland now.

All awkwardness from the breaking off our relationship has been forgotten, which I am grateful for. I am glad that Jeffrey and I were able to remain as friends. We have new respect towards each other now, and we rarely have disagreements - mainly because Jeffrey knows I could whip his butt in a sword, and because I know Jeffrey would turn me into the East India Trading Company... if we weren’t so loyal to each other. The months we’ve been at sea, I’ve taught him how to handle a sword so he is able to defend himself, and he’s taught me valuable tips about sailing. So, win-win situation.

“Oi, Maddie!”

The sound of Jeffrey’s voice made me turn my head. E was standing at the bow of our small sailing boat with a telescope in one hand and a compass in the other. I smiled, thinking of the duel I’d partaken in off the coast of Spain that had won us those items. “Yes, Jeffrey?” I called to him.

“It seems I taught you well; we’re headed directly on course. However,” he walked towards me at the rudder. “I think we can allow a bit more wind into the sails, don’t you? Get us there faster.”

I ruffled his hair affectionately. “Whatever you think is best, Jeffrey. As long as we get there in time.”

He grinned and loosened the sail a bit, and I felt the boat lurch beneath my feet gently as we put on more speed. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, promising another beautiful day. Grabbing my knife out from my boot I etched another line into the boat, alongside many other identical lines.

“Why do you do that, anyway?” Jeffrey asked, interrupting me. “You’re actually keeping track of the days?”

“It has helped me keep track of how long we’ve been away,” I replied, putting my knife away. “Also, it has helped me remember when Will and Elizabeth are getting married.” I ran my fingers over the lines, do a quick count. “So far, we’ve been at sea for a total of... 91 days.”

He did a low whistle as I stood up. “Impressive.”

I smiled and returned to the rudder. “You reckon we’ll be there by this evening?”

“Nah, I reckon the earliest is before dawn tomorrow.”

I held back a groan and swept hair from my eyes. Man, I really needed to give it another trim. “I suppose that’s better than not arriving at all.”

He smiled and came over, placing his hand over mine. “Maddie, why don’t you get some rest? You've been steering the boat for nearly three days straight.”

I admit, I am tired, but I am not about to tell him that. I shook my head. “No, I’m fine. We’ll change about noon -” I was cut off by letting off a huge yawn. Jeffrey chuckled and I glared half-heartedly at him. “Fine, I’ll sleep.”

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