28~ Gunpowder & Rum, Prophecies & Scars

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A/N: Sorry that is as been a bit since my last update. Internet's been playing up and a whole lot of other things. But, here you go! Enjoy!

Thanks for reading, and voting!

J xxx


*Third Person*

Onboard the ship Elizabeth had stowed away on, the Captain was letting all his steam off on two of his sailors. They had done nothing wrong, but they were the only ones able to calm him down.

"It's an outrage!" he was saying, throwing papers upon the table in his cabin. "Port Tariffs buried deep in fees, war handling and, heaven help us, pilotage. Are we all to work for the India Trading Company, then?" He turned to the window behind him, shaking his head.

The two sailors looked at each other nervously. "I'm afraid, sir..." one began. "Tortuga is the only free port left in these water."

"A pirate port is what you mean," the Captain snapped, walking around the table towards them. "Well, I'm sorry, an honest sailor is what I am, I make my living fair and I sleep well each night, thank you."

*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

Okay, fingers crossed this works. I can hear the Captain of the ship complaining in his cabin. The rest of the crew are below deck sleeping, with one or two enjoying the peace of the night. Me? I am standing the top sail, trying to get my plan to work.

I admit, it had been funny to see the crew's disappointment when they hadn't found the female stowaway, but for the last few days I've had to keep a low profile. However, hopefully now that is about to come to an end.

My plan is to make the Captain and those of the crew who are awake actually believe in the spirit of my e=wedding dress that they'd found. I have attached it to a thin rope and then attached those to a broom, allowing me to control it like a puppet. I peered down at the deck, checking everything was in place. I lowered the dress so it was floating in front of the window of the cabin, and the light was temporarily blocked as I directed it by the window again. Moments later the Captain appeared on the deck with two sailors, a third one joining them. Smiling to myself, I moved the dress so it was floats directly in front of them. The sailors stepped away, staring at their Captain, as I moved a single sleeve of the dress to point to their right.

"She wants you to do something," one told their Captain.

"She's trying to give a sign," the Captain decided. I held back a sort. Now who's a superstitious goat? The dress swooshed out towards sea before flying back to them, purposefully tipping over a lantern as they ducked out of the way.

"Over there! There it is!" The Captain ordered and they rushed to the other side of the ship, ignoring the small fire starting on the deck from the smashed lantern. Sighing in exasperation, I dropped the dress and slid carefully and quietly down a rope, landing on a barrel behind them.

"Look, there! There it is!" one said, pointing at the dark water. "There's the sign."

"That's seaweed."

"Seaweed can be a sign," he argued.

"Looks like entrails."

"That'd be a bad sign," the Captain said.

Rolling my eyes I looked down at the small fire at my feet, calling out in my gruffest voice, "What's that over there?" I held back a smile as they moved towards me to see what I was talking about. Our faces were lit up in the night by the ignited gunpowder. A single word flashed at us: Tortuga.

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