46~ What You Want Most

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*Third Person*

Meanwhile, The Endeavour continued sailing strongly, no matter that the Black Pearl had been lost from Beckett's sight long ago. Now, Davy Jones was making his way across the deck and he sauntered into Beckett's cabin.

I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup!" he spat at Beckett, who sat casually at a table sipping tea with someone who Jones could not see the face of.

"Apparently you can," Beckett said, gesturing between his guest and Jones. "I believe you know each other." Beckett's guest, Will Turner, turned around and gave Davy Jones a small smile before turning and taking a sip of his own tea.

"A-ha-ha-ha." Davy Jones moved towards Will and chuckled. "Come to join my crew again Master Turner?"

"Not yours, his." Will nodded at Beckett. "Jack Sparrow sends his regards."

Davy Jones had a look a absolute shock and confusion on his face. "Sparrow?"

Will glanced at Beckett, who was looking a bit unsettled. "You didn't tell him?" he turned to Jones. "We rescued Jack from the Locker along with the Black Pearl."

Davy Jones stormed towards Beckett. "What else have you not told me?"

"There is an issue far more troublesome." Beckett took his tea cup and stood, walking a few feet away. "I believe you're familiar with a person called Calypso," he said to Jones, whose eyes widened a slight bit.

"Not a person," he began, looking somewhat disgusted and getting angrier by the second. "A heathen god. One who delights in cursing men with their wildest dreams and then revealing them to hollow and nought but ash. The world is well rid of her."

"Not quite so well, actually," Will's voice made his turn. "The Brethren Court intends to release her."

Jones glanced at Beckett, back to Wil, then to Beckett again. "No, they cannot! The first court promised to imprison her forever. That was our agreement!" he stormed over to Beckett who turned calmly to him.

"Your agreement?" Beckett said, not looking the slightest bit intimidated by the pirate Captain.

Jones hesitated but backed off. "I show them how to bind her," he explained. "She could not be trusted, I... she gave me no choice. We must act before they release her."

Will was frowning as he said this. "You loved her. She's the one... and then you betrayed her."

Jones stomped towards him. "She pretended to love me! She betrayed me!"

Will calmly stood up with tea cup in hand. "And after which betrayal did you cut out your heart, I wonder?"

Jones swiftly knocked the cup from Will's hand and glared at him. "Do not test me."

"I hadn't finished that," will continued, calm as ever. He had long ago learnt never to be afraid in the presence of Davy Jones. "You will free my father," he said, moving away and said to Beckett, "And you will guarantee Elizabeth's safety, along with my own."

"Your terms are steep Mr. Turner, we will expect fair value in return," Beckett told him.

"There is only one price I will accept," Davy Jones butted in. "Calypso murdered!"

Will paused in thought for a moment then turned to the pirate Captain. "Calypso's aboard the Black Pearl. Jack has sailed the Pearl to Shipwreck Cove."

"And with you no longer aboard her, how do you propose to lead us there?"

Will had been fiddling with something on Beckett's desk and he flinched backwards with an "oops" expression when it gave a small ping noise and seemed to be broken. Davy Jones walked over to Will, glaring, and Will glancing at Beckett, who was looking at him expectantly. Will looked at Jones and then back at Beckett, this time holding something up from his belt.

"What is it you want most?" he asked. Beckett gave a small smirk when he saw Jack's compass in Will's hand.

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