36~ To World's End

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*Will's P.O.V*

Gibbs suggested we head to the one place he knew we will be safe from the dangers of the open ocean, a place apparently not many people know about: Tia Dalma's. Also, I think we are all hoping she will have answers.

So Cotton, Pintel, Ragetti and myself took turns rowing in the direction of Tia Dalma's. It took several hours, and by the time we entered the swamp it was dark. As we made our way to her hut there were many people standing in the water on either side of us, holding candles and humming a soft chant. Tia Dalma seemed to be expecting us to return, for she was waiting on the porch and welcomed us inside without a word. Once inside, we all scattered ourselves inside the hut, lost in our own thoughts.

Gibbs was standing in the doorway, Ragetti was sitting on a chair beside him, Pintel on the other side of Gibbs, Cotton was behind me and Marty was next to him, ELizabeth was sitting hunched over in a chair across from me and I was sitting in a chair, stabbing the table with my father's knife. The sound of the knife digging into the wood was the only sound that filled the small hut.

Tia Dalma was walking around with a tray carrying small mugs. She offered one to Elizabeth first, who refused. "Against the cold. And the sorrow," she said softly, and Elizabeth slowly took one. I frowned to myself as Tia Dalma came over to me. Elizabeth seemed almost haunted by the fact that Jack was gone and she'd been the last one to speak to him. Not to mention kiss him... I thought in envy.

"It's a shame," Tia Dalma said quietly. "I know you're thinking that with the Pearl, you could've captured the devil and set free your father's soul."

I took a mug and set it down. "Doesn't matter now. The Pearl's gone... along with its Captain." I continued to throw my knife at the table.

"Aye," Gibbs said from the doorway. "And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all, right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out." He raised his mug in a toast. "To Jack Sparrow!"

"Never another like Captain Jack," Ragetti whimpered, raising his cup.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was," Pintel agreed.

"He was a good man," Elizabeth said.

I said nothing as the others all drank, but from the corner of my eye I stared at Elizabeth. I noticed her raise the mug to her lips but she didn't actually drink. What is going on with her? "If there was anything to be done to bring him back," I started, turning to her. "Elizabeth -"

"Would you do it? Hmm?" Tia Dalma asked me, then turned to Elizabeth.

"What would you do? Hmm? What would any of you be willing to do? Hmm? Will you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?"

There was a short silence in the hut before Gibbs said, "Aye."

"Aye," Pintel stood up.

"Aye," Ragetti agreed.

Cotton raised his mug and his parrot squawked, "Awk! Aye."

Elizabeth gave a small nod. "Yes," she whispered.

Tia Dalma looked at me and I nodded, feeling myself swell with new found hope and determination. "Aye."

"Alright," she smiled. "But if you're going to brave the weird and haunted shores at World's End... then, you will need a Captain who knows those waters."

She turned to a set of stairs at the back of the hut and we soon heard a set of footsteps approaching down them. We all crowded around her, trying to see who it was. The footsteps reached the bottom and our eyes widened to nearly popping out of our skulls in surprise.

"So, tell me, what's become of my ship?"

The monkey Jack had given Tia Dalma as payment hopped up onto his shoulder and the man took a bite of an apple, looking rather pleased with himself and very much alive.

We all stared at him. We had not been expecting this...

"Barbossa..." I whispered.


A/N: So, I just wrote this chapter in under an hour. I wasn't sure that I was going to write this scene at all, then when I decided to, I didn't know whose point of view to put it in. I wrote it for you guys, because I thought you deserved it. Thank you all, once again, for being awesome.

J xxx

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