34~ "The Sea Shall Return To You What You've Lost"

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*Maddie's P.O.V*

The afternoon is drifting on, and still no one has come to free me. I've heard someone crashing through the trees, and suddenly Norrington had appeared, but disappeared again before I got the chance to call out. He seemed in a hurry anyway... but isn't he supposed to be with Elizabeth and the others?

Every so often I've had to relax and drop down again, but whenever the blood rushing to my head became almost unbearable I would pull myself up again. Honestly, I've lost count of how long I've been hanging here. All I know is that it is drifting towards late afternoon, and if I don't get down soon, I'm probably gonna be dead before dark. Positive thinking, I know... Not!

My upper body muscles are screaming for another break, trickles of sweat breaking out on my forehead from the strain and the heat. I would not, could not afford to take another break. I am so close to losing it already, and I will not give in. I grunted with the effort to hold myself up, but something snapped within me, and I dropped down again. Panting with exhaustion, I twisted my head to try and keep myself awake that little while longer. It didn't work for long though.

I've tried chewing my way through the vines, and it didn't work. I can't reach my knife in my boot, and there is no way I am strong enough the break the vine pinning my arms down.

I let myself relax completely, my arms still pinned tightly to my sides and my legs tied together. My loose hair swinging in the faint breeze was just adding to the fact that I am beginning to feel rather dizzy. It might seem like I'm giving up, but I honestly don't see how I'm going to get out of this. Maybe, just maybe, this is one adventure I'll never finish...


I heard a lot of yelling in the distance, and for a moment thought I was dreaming. But I jerked my eyes open and it all came rushing back to me. The wind was carrying the screams and yelling to me, although I'm sure they are happening out at sea/ Cannon fire sounded and I immediately recognized the sound of those guns: they belonged to the Black Pearl.

I began struggling all over again. I don't know what good it will do me, but with newfound energy and strength, I am determined to get out of this. I even got the crazy idea into my head to begin swinging back and forth, trying to catch the vines on a tree branch and hopefully cut them off. Crazy, yes. I really have no clue if is will work or not.

So there I was, swinging back and forth against a tree with the sounds of cannon fire echoing in my ears. I am still feeling dizzy as ever, but I pushed onwards. Suddenly the cannon fire died down, and I froze, listening for more. Of course, I wasn't aware of the tree looming in front of me and I smacked into it, hard.

As my eyes began to drift closed, i saw a blurry figure running towards me, shouting my name, although it seemed very far off. I felt the pressure around my arms slacken and moments later I felt myself being gently tipped upright and lowered to the ground. Strong arms wrapped themselves around me and picked me up again. I was only half conscious through all of this and the trees went by in a blur; I am still getting over the dizziness. I felt a cold breeze on my face and heard the faint sound of rushing water. Suddenly I was engulfed by very cold water and my eyes darted open/ Regaining full consciousness I thrust my arms out to try and claw my way fre. I felt strong arms wrap around me again and I was hauled out, coughing and spluttering.

"Oh, Maddie... Thank goodness you're okay."

Blinking water free from my eyes, I tried to make sense of the blurry image in front of me. The voice sounded familiar, but with my addled brain I can't place where I've heard it before. As I was tenderly placed back on my feet my mind cleared a bit and I was able to see straight. I flicked my wet hair away from my face and coughed up the last of the water before getting a good look around. I'm standing on the beach, several feet away from the water's edge. Behind me is the jungle I've apparently just come out of, and beside me is a man with broad shoulder, tanned and scarred skin with a sword hooked in at his belt, wearing brown boots, black pants and a grey shirt with a black jacket. His brown eyes met mine and I felt like I'd just smashed head on into a large rock.

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