44~ Choose a Side

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A/N: Hey readers! Sorry it has been a while since I last updated. But hey, I have a long weekend ahead of me so that means more time to write, yay! Enjoy this next chapter :) By the way, thanks for the 1800 reads! Honestly never thought I would get this many!


*Elizabeth's P.O.V*


*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I threw a glare quickly in Sao Feng's direction as Maddie came over to me. All through Maddie talking her way out of Sao Feng killing her on the spot, I got a good look around at the numbers of Sao Feng's men, Beckett's men and the remaining crew of the Black Pearl. My eye drifted over a cannon on the deck, and a crazy idea formed in my head.

I swear, Maddie's craziness is wearing off on me.

I pulled her close, making sure no one would hear what I whispered into her ear: "You'll need to create a distraction to get everyone out of here. Jack cannot hold Beckett off for long and I doubt he's trying to help us out, so here's an idea that might work..." I pressed an object into her hand and immediately the sparkle returned to her eyes. She knew what I was getting at when my eyes flicked to the cannon on the deck behind her. "Be careful. I'll see you at Shipwreck Cove."

"You be careful," she whispered back before I moved away with Sao Feng and his men, but not before flashing my younger sister a quick wink.


*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I take it the distraction worked, for the last thing I heard of comprehendible dialogue was Maddie bellowing, "Everybody duck!" followed by a loud boom and chaos erupting onboard all three ships. THankfully Sao Feng had ordered a fast retreat from his crew of their ship, the Empress, so we didn't stay a part of the action for long. The last glimpse I got of my sister was her fighting alongside Barbossa against Mercer. I remember smirking when I saw her kick Mercer between the legs before I was taken into the cabin upstairs.

Now, I am currently in the Captain's cabin. It is definitely smaller than that on the Pearl, but by the far more grand. Must be due to Sao Feng's culture or something, because I feel like I am in a temple more than a cabin... apart from the gentle rocking of the ship. Two women in long black dresses with their hair tied back were finishing up the touches of my headpiece. Sao Feng had insisted, me being the sea goddess Calypso as he believed, that I dress appropriately while being on his ship rather than in the black shirt and pants I was previously wearing. Even my hair was done yet heavy burden to wear of beads and jewels, I think. up in a neat bun with chopsticks through it behind my headpiece, a magnificent yet heavy burden to wear of beads and jewels, I think. The dress is even more spectacular, decorated with beads and of the same design people of Sao Feng's culture would wear. I admit, it is nice... but like Maddie had always done, I am now despising dresses. I Still have more tolerance for them than her, but this is just ridiculous.

The sound someone's voice caught my attention and I turned to see Sao Feng walk in the room, muttering some sort of chant I think in a language I didn't understand. When he was within as few feet of me, he clapped his hands and the two women on either side of me bowed and left the room, leaving me alone with Sao Feng.

"By this time tomorrow," he said quietly. "We will arrive at Shipwreck Cove and you will be free.. Calypso."

"Excuse me?" When he glanced at me I threw a small, innocent smirk in his direction, playing the clueless card.

"Not the name you fancy, I imagine," he continued, walking to a wooden bowl filled with a clear liquid and rinsing his hands in it. "Out of the many that you have, but it is what we call you."

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