49~ Mapple Moments

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A/N: Hey all!

Sorry for the long wait; had incredibly majorly bad writer's block. Plus school and all that whatnot. Anyway! Next chapter is up, and that means the big battle is on its way!

This chapter is dedicated to anyone who ship MaddiexGrapple or Mapple.



*Maddie's P.O.V*

I must say, I was quite surprised when Jack and Barbossa actually agrees upon something for once. But I was even more surprised that agreed decision was to leave me in charge of the Black Pearl whilst they went ashore with Elizabeth. They've been gone for a while now, but I suppose they are heading for a small stretch of and a good distance from both fleets, so I'm not surprised they've been gone this long.

Damn it, here did Beckett find a fleet as big as the very one in front of us!? In the back of my mind, I have a sneaking thought telling me that this battle is already lost, yet in my heart, my gut and my entire being I know this is only the beginning.

Something occurred to me just then, and I left the slightly crowded deck and headed towards the brig. Not long before we arrived at Shipwreck Cove, I remember seeing Pintel and Ragetti leading Tia Dalma down there, but with everything else on my mind I've merely forgotten until no. But I sill have some questions I would like answered, questioned she never clarified for me the first time visited her hut with the others. Now, I suppose this is as good a time as any to have those answered, because who knows if I will come out of this alive?

With the quiet chatter above deck and the silence below deck, my footsteps seemed to echo in the badly lit brig. Knowing one of the most mysterious belongs I've ever met was down here, I admit felt more than a little nervous.

"I thought you would've come long ago," she said from the corner of the cell she sat in. Through the shadows that covered my face I saw her large brown eyes staring back at me, and for some reason she looked for terrifying in the bare depths of her own cabin.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and moved closer, resting my hand on the hilt of my sword out of habit. "You knew," I began quietly. "You knew I would come to you for answers."

She nodded and watched me as I stood directly in front of the bars. Neither of us spoke, we just stared at each other. Once again, I felt like she was completely staring into my soul, and I eventually turned away. "Why are you down here?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

"Barbossa did not tell you?" I shook my head no, and she rose from her perch on a barrel. "I am in here for the same reason Sao Feng took your sister."

I frowned in thought, thinking back to that day. Something dawned on me and I turned back to her, my eyes widening in realization. I didn't say it aloud though; instead I bowed my head, a sign of respect. She gave me probably one of the warmest smiles, but with her large brown eyes, blackened teeth and sunken features it still sent shivers down my spine.

"It's nice to see someone has some manners around here."

I smiled nervously as she moved around the cell. "Male species... they have no manners about them whatsoever. Least of all a pirate."

She smiled again, and paused near the far wall. "You have questions you wish to be answered," she said softly. "Questions which have clogged your mind since I first warned you of the path you have chosen, aye?"

That day when she first told me of this suddenly flashed through my mind.


"What are you saying?" I nervously swallowed the lump in my throat.

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