20~ Charged

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

The rain was starting to soak me through, but I waited patiently. I was not going to flunk out on my wedding day, no matter the weather. The venue was deserted, with only myself and the wet sheets of music, plates and serviettes. I chanced a glance over my shoulder, and my eyes widened. I dropped the flower bouquet I was holding and ran towards shelter, where a bunch of red jacketed marines were gathered. And between two of them, standing in chains, was my fiancé.

“Will,” I ran to him, brushing his damp hair from his face and straightening his collar. “Why is this happening?”

“I don't know.” He paused. “You look beautiful.”

I smiled loving at him. “I think it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.” Usually I'm not so superstitious, but this is a one-off occasion.

There was a commotion to my left and I heard my father's voice. “Make way! Let me through!” Two marines crossed their long axes in front of him, barring him from getting through to us. “How far you!” he shouted at a man in a cost behind me, who I assumed to be the leader. “Stand your men down once! Do you hear me?”

Another man in a dark cost helped the leader remove his coat, and he turned around in a white wig and curls, looking ask posh. Even his expression told me he was used to getting his own way. I spelled, hearing him already.

“Governor Wetherby Swann,” the man said. “It's been too long.”

“Cutler Beckett?” My father gasped.

“It's Lord now... actually.” He nodded at the two marines, and they allowed my father to stop through to me. “Lord, or not,” he snapped. “You have no reason and no authority to art this man!” he said, pointing at Will.

“In fact, I do, Mr. Mercer?” A brown haired man with a cry face and an expression that me him look like he was constantly firebug store up beside Beckett, branding a wooden box. Beckett retrieved a pair from the bid and handed it to my father. I exchanged a glance with Will, starting to get worried. “The warrant for the arrest of one William Turner,” Beckett said, looking somewhat please with himself.

I saw my father do a double take at it, reading it twice over. “This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann.” My eyes widened.

“Oh, is it? That's annoying. My mistake...” Beckett to the paper back and rummaged for another. “Arrest her.”

“On what charges?” I gasped. A sir gave me and put me in managed. Will moved to stop them with a cry but got held back.

Beckett took out another document from the man named Mercer and have it to my father. “Ah-ha! Here's the one for William Turner.” My father looked at it disbelief. “And I have one for a Mr. James Norrington, and a Miss Madison Swann. Are they and present?” He waved two documents above his head, and I felt my blood run cold at the mention of my sister.

“What are the charges?” I sister, trying​ to divert his attention.

“Commodore Norrington resigned from his commission months ago,” my feet hurt told Beckett.

“And what of Miss Swann?”

I thought I saw my father's face fire a bit pair. “M-Maddie hasn't been seen - We haven't seen her since she left the months ago. I would've thought the Company was keeping tabs on her.”

Beckett sneered. “Oh, yes. We are air as of your daughter's antics, especially in Spain and Cuba. Yes, she's always been just out of our reach. However, she was sighted this morning in the stable yard of your manor, with a young man by the name of Jeffrey. I believe he was a former employee of yours, Governor?”

My father gulped visibly. “Yes, he was. He left Port Royal with Maddie.”

“So you haven't seen your younger daughter at all, today?”

“No. I mean, I saw her walking past the blacksmith's, but she booked before I could get closer.”

“Why didn't you sound the alarm?”

“She is very cautious, and would've vanished before you could even father a grip to go after her.”

Beckett frowned. “, Possibly. We list sight of them when they jumped from the cliff into the water.”

My eyes widened and Will, my father and I ask exchanged looks of surprise and fear. We'd never known Maddie to be such a daredevil.

“Anyway, I don't believe that was the answer to the question I asked,” Beckett sneered.

“Lord Beckett, in the category of questions not answered -”

“We are under the jurisdiction of the King's governor of Port Royal, and you will tell us what we are charged with,” I sneered at Beckett, interrupting Will.

“The charge...” my dad said, reading off the warrant. “... I'd conspiring to set free a man convicted of crimes against the Crown and Empire and condemned to death for which the -” he broke off​ and I had a feeling I knew what was coming.

“For which the punishment, regrettably, is also death,” Beckett finished with no sympathy. He turned to me with an and look. “You know, your sister has stopped up to the levels of crimes she is charged with include past, looting, pilfering, depredation and general lawlessness.”

I married my eyes at him. What has Maddie gotten up to during those three months she'd been away? She was beginning big to sound all too much like a certain pirate...

Beckett ignored me and stepped up to Will. “Perhaps you remember a certain pirate named Jack Sparrow.”

“Captain!” Will and I chorused forcefully, making Beckett raise his eyebrows.

“Captain Jack Sparrow,” I spat through clenched teeth at him.

He smirked. “Captain Jack sorrow... yes, I thought you might.”

A chill ran down my spine and I glanced at Will. I could tell he was beginning to get a very bad feeling about all of this as much as I was.

What have we landed ourselves in now? And Maddie, where are you?


Sorry of this chapter is a bit short.

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