35~ Pirate

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*Third Person*

While Maddie was hanging upside down, this is what was happening aboard the Black Pearl...

*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I was relieved when we got back to the Pearl, but I still worried about Maddie. I haven't seen her at all since we ran into each other in the jungle. I would go after her , but it would take too long and we are setting sail again. As I climbed aboard Grapple ran over to me. "Did you find her?" he asked.

I flashed him an apologetic smile. "Yes, I did. But she didn't return with us. I have no idea where she is. I thought she would already be back here."

He nodded thanks at me and ran at the rail, diving over the side without another word and swimming to the island. Flicking hair from my face, I settle on the deck with Will's head in my kap. He had been out for the whole trip back, and even as he'd been hauled aboard. I just hope he is okay. His eyelids twitched and I sighed in relief when he opened his eyes and stared up at me. "What happened to the chest?" he asked, his voice a bit croaky.

"Norrington took it to draw them off," I answered, knowing how disappointed he would be, and I was right. He'd lost his chance to free his father.

The sound of Pintel and Ragetti arguing made us look up, and I helped Will to his feet. "You're pulling too hard!"

"You ain't pulling hard enough!"

"Where's the Commodore?" Gibbs asked Jack as he walked past, clutching a jar of dirt.

"Fell behind."

"My prayers be with him." He then shrugged and joined Jack at the helm. "Best not wallow in our grief. The bright side is: you're back, and made it off free and clear."

We all jumped as there was what sounded like a mixture between a massive splash and an explosion, and a ship appeared out of the water behind us. The crew dropped anything they were carrying and backed away to the far rail, jaws agpe in horror and surprise.

"Ah, the Fl -" I gasped but didn't finish, I was too busy staring in astonishment at the ship. So this is what Maddie and Will had been enslaved on?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jack by the helm stepping forward and held up his jar of dirt so everyone could see it. "Oi, fishface!" he called, walking sideways to the stairs. "Lose something, eh? Scungilli!" He lost his footing and rolled down the stairs, all of us cringing and "ohh"ing before he held up the jar of dirt again. "Got it!" he yelled in triumph as he climbed to his feet. By now I could see the Captain of the other shi[ staring at Jack in curiosity. "Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got," Jack continued in an annoying sing song voice. "I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it?" he held it above his head, smirking.

Moments later, cannons on the other shi[ were sliding out and I saw Jack's smile vanish. "Hard to starboard," he said from the corner of his mouth.

"Hard to starboard!" I shouted up to Gibbs at the helm, who immediately began frantically turning the wheel. "Raise up the foreyard!" Will shouted as the Pearl began turning.

I heard someone yell, "Fire!" and suddenly we were running around, ducking the incoming cannon fire from the Flying Dutchman. The back of the Captain's cabin was destroyed, and I heard Pintel yelling, "She's n us! She's on us!"

Will and I raced around with the crew, maneuvering the sails. "Make fast!" I saw Jack take control of the wheel from from Gibbs and he steered us in a slightly different direction. After a while Gibbs joined Will and I at the rail. "She's falling behind!" I gasped.

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