6~ The Isla De Muerta

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*Maddie's P.O.V*

Once the doors had closed behind me I didn't even have a second's notice to prepare for what was coming. The next thing I knew I was thrown back against the door, my cheek stinging. I flicked hair from my eyes and stared up at Elizabeth, her eyes full of anger. And believe me, my sister is not one you want to have angry at you. I've learnt that the hard way...

"You slapped me!" I gasped.

She smirked. "Who can blame me? Abandoning me to join that crew of pirates!"

I stared at her. Was she insane? "Elizabeth, I'm not going to -"

"Don't lie to me, Maddie! I overheard everything! Barbossa offered you a place in the crew. You think I don't know what your answer is going to be?"

She raised her hand again but this time I was ready. I grabbed it and pushed her into the centre of the room, both of us holding the other at arm's length. "Elizabeth -"

"Is this still a part of your plan?" she cut in. "Or are you actually serious? Are you going to follow your dream and become a pirate?"

"What makes you think -"

But again, she cut me off. "I won't allow it! I'm sorry, but I won't allow you to throw your life away chasing after some wobbly-legged, rum-soaked, cursed pirates that cannot die! I will not allow you to have a price on your head! We - You have got family at home who care about you, Madison!"

I paused when she used my full name, which she only did when she was really angry at me. "Do not use my full name!" I shouted at her. "You never use my full name!"

"It's about time I did if it means I get through to you! Honestly, do you only think about yourself? You told me last night that you weren't going to become a pirate once you realized all that you would leave behind. Port Royal, Father, me and Will and Jeffrey -"

"And I still realize that! If you overheard everything out there, you would've heard what I said to Barbossa! But no, you had already stormed inside!"

This time Elizabeth paused and her grip slackened a bit. "What else did you say?"

I sighed in frustration. "I told him I would think about it. I haven't fully accepted yet, and I'm not sure if I ever will."

Slowly we let go of eachother and sunk into opposite chairs at the table. "So... if you do accept... will it still be a part of your big idea?"

I shrugged. "Probably. Or I'm just trying to find a way to put in a good word and see if I can keep us both alive long enough to get out of here."

She nodded slowly. "Sounds fair. But what was that?"

"What was what?"

"I think you know. The fighting or swash-buckling, whatever it's called. I knew Will gave you training, but I didn't know you were that good."

"I never used to be. Skill increases with the more practise you have. Will taught me different maneuvers and I just learnt to mould them into the fight. I got to say, Grapple was going easy on me until after he nearly shoved me over the rail."

I was relieved to see the anger die in her brown eyes as she smirked. "But you beat him."

"With desperate measures. I wasn't even sure that maneuver would work, let alone send his sword overboard."

She chuckled quietly then stared at her hands clenched in her lap. "I'm proud of you, Maddie, I really am. I now understand why you do not belong in the world I live in."

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