48~ Choose Your Fate

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A/N: Hey readers!

I am so sorry it has been a bit since the last update. School and life is so hectic at the moment. I know, this is a short chapter and not much happens, but the next will be longer and with more action. Just warning in advance that I might not be updating for another few days, but in those days I am on a school break so will have plenty of time to update.

Thanks for all the reads and votes! Love you guys so much!

Thanks, J xxx


*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

This is it. This is what it's all come down to.

Jack, Barbossa and I took a longboat and rowed our way to the small stretch of land a good distance from both fleets. At one end stood three figures: Will, Beckett and Davy Jones, who was standing in a bucket with several more behind him. I have no idea how Will ended up with them, but no doubt Jack had something to do with that.

We're now walking our way towards them, and it feels like one of those old fashioned showdowns. None of us spoke as we walked, kicking up bits of sand in our wake. The light breeze blew about us, but thankfully not strong enough we lost our hats - because that would be a disaster for Jack and Barbossa...

At least they managed to agree for once about who was left in charge of the Pearl; that person being Maddie. Perhaps this whole mess has finally knocked some sense into both of them, and they know they need to cooperate.

Finally we all stood facing each other, no one speaking for a moment before Barbossa broke the silence. "You be the cur that led these wolves to our door," he accused, glaring at Will.

Beckett glanced at Will before back to us. "Don't blame Turner. He was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left."

Barbossa turned his head as did I, and Jack as well before realising there was nothing but open ocean to his left and the jab was aimed at him. He turned to us and raised his hands in defense. "My hands are clean in this..." He glanced at his dirty fingernails. "Figuratively."

"My actions were on my own and to my own purpose," Will defended. "Jack had nothing to do with it."

"Well spoke! Listen to the tool," Jack advised me but I ignored him.

"Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman," I interrupted. I saw him frown at this; clearly he didn't know the whole story. "I understand the burden you bear but I fear that cause is lost."

"No cause is lost, if there is but one fool to fight for it." I saw his eyes flick to Jack and fro mthe corner of my eye I saw Jack smirk . Jeez, Jack is a bad influence on Will as much as he is on Maddie.

Beckett interrupted us. "If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this?" Turning my head I saw he was holding up Jack's compass, and frowned, noticing how uncomfortable Jack suddenly looked. "You made a deal with me Jack, to deliver the pirates, and here they are." He tossed the compass at Jack who nimbly caught it. "Don't be bashful, step up, claim your reward."

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied," Jones spat, causing Beckett to smirk and making me wonder what Jack and Beckett had discussed when onboard the Endeavour. "One hundred years in servitude aboard the Dutchman, as a start!"

Wait... And idea began to form in my head and I glanced at Will, hoping he would understand my meaning as I flicked my gaze hurriedly between Barbossa, Jack, back to Will and Beckett.

"That debt was paid, mate..." Jack stuttered, flicking his hands at me. "With some... help."

Will gave me silent confirmation as his eyes flicked fro me, to Jack and back to me. I had to hide a smirk; they clearly had something in mind that they weren't planning on sharing.

"You escaped!" Jones argued.

"Technically --"

I interrupted their arguing. "I propose an exchange. Will leaves with us... and you can take Jack."

Without turning my head I saw Barbossa stare at me like I'd grown a second head. Here we go... "Done," Will said.

"Undone!" Jack protested.

"Done!" Beckett said firmly.

All the while Barbossa's head flicked back and forth with the exchange in conversation. FInally he turned upon me with a growl. "Jack's one of the nine pirate lords! You have no right!"

"King." I turned to Jack with a hidden smirk.

He seemed to understand my higher authority - by his doing - and took off his hat, bowing in an almost mocking way. "As you command, your nibs."

"Blackguard!" Barbossa suddenly unsheathed his sword and lashed at Jack, slicing the braid attached to Jack's bandana. I watched with narrowed eyes as Jack the monkey leapt off Barbossa's shoulder and retrieved it from the sand while his master strode over to Jack. "If ye have something to say, I might be saying something as well."

Jack didn't reply for a moment and I saw Will tense, ready to step in. "First to the finish, then?" Jack muttered, moving away from Barbossa and slowly him and Will swapped places, moving in a wide circle of each other and glancing at each other. Jack suddenly froze and reluctantly took the empty spot between Beckett and Davy Jones.

"Do you fear debt?" Jones asked him.

"You've no idea," Jack replied, not looking at him.

Beckett ignored them and stepped forward. "Advise your Brethren: You can fight and all of you will die, or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die."

I squared my jaw and stepped closer to him with a glare. "You murdered my father," I growled.

"He chose his own fate," Beckett stated calmly.

I made up my mind in that moment. This is definitely happening. "And you have chosen yours. We Will fight. And you will die." I turned on my heel and walked back to the other end of the sand bank where our longboat was, Barbossa and Will following.

"King?" Will asked me as we walked.

"Of the Brethren Court," I replied with a hint of pride. "Courtesy of Jack."

He raised his eyebrows. "Maybe he really does know what he's doing."

I shrugged. Who knows what goes on in Jack's head?

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