43~ Bargains and Old Friends

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*Maddie's P.O.V*

With a loud splash we burst through the water, the Black Pearl now sitting the right way up. Water flooded over the sides, soaking us even more and nearly washing some people overboard. When most of the water receded we all lay on the deck, coughing up water and feeling - and looking - half drowned. Many tried to stand but soon lost their balance, stooping over and coughing up more water.

I think Gibbs was the first to stand properly. "Blessed sweet Westerlies," he exclaimed. "We're back!"

Everyone now seemed to regain the ability to stand, and we all looked around.

"It's a sunrise," Elizabeth said quietly. Sure enough, the sun was just peeking over the horizon. We were back.

All attention was drawn to the middle of the deck when Barbossa suddenly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Jack; GIbbs, Elizabeth and Will all aimed theirs at him; Jack aimed a pistol at Will; Will and Elizabeth each pulled out another pistol and aimed them at Jack; Jack pulled out one and pointed it at Elizabeth; I then pulled out my pistols, aimed one at Jack and the other at Tai Huang, who had decided to join in of to the side. He in turn swung his pistol around to point at me.

The six of us stood there with our pistols at arm's length pointed at each other, not moving. Then Barbossa started to laugh and the rest of us slowly joined in, catching onto the joke that we were no longer dead and lowered our pistols. Then the spell broke when Barbossa shouted, "Alright then!" The pistols went flying back up again, everyone glaring at each other. "The Brethren Court is a-gathering at SHipwreck Cove, and Jack you and I are a-going. There'll be no arguing that point."

"I is arguing the point," Jack said. "If there's pirates a-gathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way."

Elizabeth turned one of her pistols to him. "The pirates are gathering to fight Backett and you're a pirate."

Jack turned his pistol to her and Will turned both of his to Jack. "Fight or not, you're not running Jack."

Scowling, Jack turned his other pistol back to Will. Gibbs had his second one aimed at Will but aimed it back to Barbossa as he started talking. "If we don't stand together they'll hunt us down, one by one, until there be none left, but you."

Jack gave a small smirk. "I quite like the sound of that. Captain Jack Sparrow, the last pirate."

God, he could be so cowardly sometimes... and a real pain.

"Aye." Barbossa moved closer, managing to keep a pistol aimed at Gibbs behind him. "But you'll be fighting Jones alone. How does that figure into your plan?"

"I'm still working on that." Slowly, Jack raised a pistol to Barbossa. "But I will not be going to the Locker, mate. Count on that."

He pulled the trigger and I think we all jumped when nothing happened except for a click. Frowning, we all tried to fire our pistols but the same thing happend. Many clicks went off and we all huffed in disappointment when Gibbs said, "Wet powder."

Of course...

"Wait!" Pintel called. "We can still use them as clubs!" He winced as Ragetti experimentally clubbed Pintel over the head with his pistol and I smirked.

"Sorry. Effective, though."

Will grabbed the charts while Jack stood glaring at Barbossa, and spread them along the table Jack had been sitting at earlier. We all crowded around. "There's a freshwater spring on this island," Will said once he'd figured out where we were. "We can resupply there, and get back to shooting each other later."

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