17~ An Ill- Conceived Escape Attempt

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*Maddie's P.O.V*

Everything is set. I just have to hope it works. I haven't let anyone else in on the plan, it's too risky, I decided. A lot of people are gathered in the courtyard, shielding their eye from the morning sun as they wait to see the hanging of the infamous Jack Sparrow, who is now standing beneath a noose with his hands bound, looking rather sorry for himself. I could see Elizabeth off to the side, with my father and Norrington. Elizabeth did not seem very comfortable with this, and as I walked past I caught her saying to them, "This is wrong."

I hovered on the outskirts of the crowd, not allowing many to see me for very long. The reason for this, was that Elizabeth and my father believed that I had already left. Even though I had a three-point hat on and different clothing to hide my identity, I still had to be careful. For a moment Jack stared in my direction, but when he blinked I was gone. Making his way through the crowd I saw Will, looking as smart as ever in fine clothes and a rather large hat with a feather. I crouched low, waiting for the right moment. By now, most of you will realize what I am intending to do. And I agree, it is madness.

And official was standing near Jack, reading a proclamation: "Jack Sparrow, be it known that you have..."

I heard Jack muttering under his breath in annoyance. "Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow."

"... for your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, the most egregious of these to be cited herewith - piracy, smuggling, impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England..."

I saw Jack smirk before falling silent at a glare from the executioner.

"... sailing under false colours, arson, kidnaping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness..."

"Crikey, Jack," I hissed under my breath. "How many crimes have you committed?"

"... And for these crimes you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul."

"He's not the only one..." I muttered, quietly drawing my sword.

From the way Will was behaving, I realized he was thinking along the same lines as me. He had his sword raised as he pushed through the crowd, yelling at people to move as the noose was slipped around Jack's neck. I lunged forward throwing my sword like I used to throw knifes, cutting through the platform and allowing Jack to have a foothold as he dangled in the air. He caught my eye and rolled his eyes. I have an idea of what is going through his mind.

Will caught my arm as I dashed up to help him fight the executioner. "Maddie!" We both ducked a swing from the axe. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"Maybe so!" We ducked again, and I rolled away, slicing the executioner on his thigh with my knife. "But don't you remember that old chivalry statement?" Duck again. "Ladies first!"

The executioner's axe cut the rope suspending Jack in the air, and he fell in a heap to the ground beneath us. I leapt down beside him and used my knife to slice through his bonds, retrieving my sword and sliding the knife back into its hiding place in my boot.

"I s'pose this is what ye were talking about, eh?"

I grinned at him as we ran out from under the platform in time to see Will push the executioner on to pof Norrington and a few soldiers. "Indeed, it is!"

While I cleared a basic path, fighting off soldiers that came too near, Jack and Will fought their way to the battlements with the rope, tripping soldiers and knocking them out. They dumped the rope, and all three of us rolled away from the strike of several soldiers. Will and I had our swords ready as we reached the battlements, but unfortunately we were quickly surrounded. The three of us stood back to back, spinning around to keep every single bayonet in sight. Jack blew the feather from Will's hat away from his face, and I slapped Jack's hand away from my face, as he was so close to poking me in the eye. Then Norrington came up, pointing his sword at Will and I froze, spinning around to glare at the Commodore as he came up with my father and Elizabeth.

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