30~ Persuasion

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

We are well out at sea now, the sun warming the decks and causing beads of sweat to run down the backs of our necks with the heat. Gross, I know. Many of the crew were tempted to cool down in the water, but Jack was insistent that we kept going - wherever it is we are going. I still have his compass, and I don't think he is asking for it back anytime soon. From what I heard from Gibbs, Jack hadn't even gotten a heading not long before they wound up on the beach of some island, which was when they met up with Maddie.

Now, as the crew were scrubbing at the deck, I was talking to Jack and Gibbs about the problems back in Port Royal, and the reason Will had been out here. Jack was reading through the Letters of Marque, and by the way his eyes widened with each sentence, I could tell he wasn't entirely impressed.

"Beckett?" Gibbs spat when I'd finished.

"Yes, they're signed 'Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company.'"

"Euhh," Jack stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word," Gibbs muttered.

"Ah," Jack blinked, as if he'd known all along. Yeah right.

"Beckett wants the compass," Gibbs continued. "Only one reason for that."

"Of course," Jack looked at us with wide eyes. "He wants the chest."

"Yes, he did say something about the chest," I confirmed.

"If the Company controls the chest, they control the sea."

"A truly discomforting notion, love."

"Bad! Bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard!" Gibbs walked off to see to that, and Jack turned to me.

"Might I enquire as to how you came by these?" He held up the Letters of Marque.

"Persuasion," I replied.


"Decidedly not."

"Will strikes a deal for these and upholds it with honour, yet you are the one standing here with the prize," he began reading. "'Full pardon, commissioned as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company...' As if I could be bought for such a low price."

I stepped forward as he placed them inside his coat. "Jack, the letters, give them back."

"No. Persuade me."

He had his back to me, so I came up behind him and leant close to his ear. "You do know Will taught me how to handle a sword?"

He turned around to face me. "As I said... persuade me."

Squaring my jaw I walked away to the opposite rail, leaving him looking rather disappointed. With a slight smile on my face, out of the corner of my eye I saw Norrington walking towards me.

"It's a curious thing, there was once a time I would give anything for you to look like that while thinking about me."

"I don't know what you mean," I clenched my teeth, trying to keep calm.

"Oh, I think you do."

"Oh, don't be absurd, I trust him, that's all." I snapped at him and he walked away before turning back to me.

"So you never wondered how your latest fiancé ended up on the Flying Dutchman in the first place, along with your sister?"

I stared at him, wondering what on earth he could mean by that. I took out Jack's compass again and opened it. The needle spun before pointing to - much to my surprise and horror - Jack, who stood up by the helm. I shook my head clear and closed it, feeling rather disturbed all of a sudden.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I just thought I'd dedicate just a single chapter to Elizabeth, giving her the spotlight for a few pages. Enjoy!


J xxx

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