18~ Free Spirit, Free Will

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A/N: This is Maddie, in case you wanted a better picture of her.

*Maddie's P.O.V*

A rope landed in the water beside us, and we looked up to see Gibbs leaning over the side of the Black Pearl, smiling at Jack. "Maddie!" On board our small sailing boat was Jeffrey, extending his hand out to me. I turned to Jack and smiled.

"Take care, Jack."

"You too, love."

He surprised me when he pulled me into a one- armed hug. I returned it and splashed him one last time. "This isn't goodbye, Jack," I said as he grabbed the rope. "We'll see each other again."

He grinned that charming smile of his and was hauled out of the water. "You can bet on that!"

I swam to the side of the boat and grabbed Jeffrey's hand with one of mine while the other I helped him haul me aboard. I squeezed water from my hair and he handed me a large rag, which I used to scrub my hair dry. I stood up, taking a moment to get used to the feeling of ship's wood beneath my feet again.

"I take it the plan worked?" Jeffrey asked me with a grin.

I smiled and tossed the rag aside. "Apart from Will deciding to suddenly join in, being cornered on the battlement and getting pulled off of it by Jack? Yes, it worked."

"Ah, no plan can ever go completely smooth. There's always a few improvisations."

"Ha, no plan works without a few improvisations," I walked to the stern and took the rudder while he loosened the sail further.

"Where to Captain Swann?" he joked.

I glanced at the Black Pearl, where Jack was standing at the helm holding a compass. I then turned my head towards the horizon and smiled. "Wherever the wind takes us, Jeffrey," I answered. "That's one thing you cannot argue with."

He shrugged and admired the view. As we turned away from the shadow of the Black Pearl, I heard Jack quietly singing to himself. '... drink up me 'earties, yo ho."

I smiled and continued humming the tune as I felt the sun warm me after my swim. I sighed and relaxed my shoulders. Keeping a firm hand in the rudder, I smiled happily. This was where I belonged. I felt truly at home now. I am now...

... a Free Spirit.


A/N: Hey readers!

Don't panic, this isn't the last chapter. I am continuing the story from here, just need to work out the next chapter first... :P

I hope you've enjoyed it so far, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for sticking with me through the adventure (Sorry if that sounds cheesy). This is me saying THANK YOU to you fantastic people who have been reading my work. I really appreciate it. You guys kept me writing - correction, wanting me to write for you guys.

So, keep an eye out for my next update, which hopefully will be soon.

The adventure has only begun...


J xxx

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