I manage to control my sobs and force them into into only tears as I pull away from Justin's embrace,after what seemed like forever.

"You are safe now,Hailey.Your dad's on his way."he rests his forehead onto mine,burning holes into my eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye,I see the same police women that was talking to me before walk over to us.I pull away from Justin and turn my head to the side.

"Sorry ma'am,I just need to ask you some questions."she says apologetically.

I sigh,just wanting to go home.

"She can do it tomorrow,she is tired."Justin protests,

"It's fine."I push Justin back,running a hand through my hair,"can we make it quick please?"

"Of course,right this way."

The lady lead me over to a little corner and asked me questions.lots of it.By the time we were finished dad was waiting anxiously with Jake,Kylie and Riley while Justin was sitting down on a chair,a strange expression on his face.

I finally make my way over to the group who are muttering words quietly.

"Hailey?"my dad jogs over to me,pulling me into a tight hug,

"Are you ok."

"I just want to go home."

"Hailey!?"Jake calls out,making his way over to me as do the others.

After all giving them hugs and assuring I'm ok,I found myself in the back of dad's car with Justin's arms wrapped protectively around me.

"Almost home."dad murmurs tiredly,turning into our street.

"Are you ok?"Justin whispers through my hair,placing a soft and delicate kiss in my forehead,

"Yeah."I whisper back,nodding slightly.

"Do you want me to sleep over tonight?"

"Yes"I blurt out before I can stop myself,"unless,you need to,go somewhere else.."I whisper awkwardly.

"No place I'd rather be"he says.

I nod again before we ride over a few bumps before the car comes to a stomp,indicating we were home.

Dad gets out and walks over to my side,opening the door.

"Thanks."I murmur in thanks.

"Here."Justin says before wrapping his arms around the back of my knees and my shoulder blades.picking me up in a bridal style embrace.

I open my mouth to protest that I'm fine to walk,but I couldn't,I liked the way his body felt against mine.

I inwardly slapped myself in the face for caving in,but there is a place and a time to be a bitch,and now is so not the time.

After giving dad one lass kiss,Justin carries me into my room and gets out some pyjama shorts. and one of his black sweaters.

"I'll be waiting right out the door,yeah?"

I nod and he walks out,closing the door quietly behind him with a click before I slip off my clothes and slip on Justin's.I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper and call him back in.

He walks back in,closing the door behind him before walking over to the bed,pulling his shirt and jeans off before slipping into bed next to me,wrapping a muscly comforting arm around me.

"Justin?"I say quietly.

"Hm?"he says,melting me with his chocolate orbs.

"What's the matter?"


"Justin"I whine.

"It's just,"he sighs,shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before opening them and looking at me again,"I can't loose you,Hailey.I just can't."


"Wait,"he interrupts me,"I know I'm still with Selena,but I love you."he sighs.

"Obviously not enough."I murmur under my breath.

"Not enough?!"he raises his voice.shit,he wasn't meant to hear that.

"Nothing Justin,just go to bed."I sigh rolling over.

"I love you,more then you will ever know."he whispers in my ear,causing a swarm of butterflies to erupt in my stomach.



*jusrins pov*


I open my eyes as I hear sobbing next to me.I furrow my eyebrows in confusion,turning to my left to see a dark figure sobbing quietly.

I come to my senses and realise it's Hailey.

"Hailey?"I say quietly,resting my hand on her back.

She let's out a small scream and jumps at my touch.

"Hailey it's me,it's ok it's just me,Justin."

"Justin?"she cries.

"Yes,it's me."

"I'm afraid."she says before sobbing again.

"I'll protect you Hailey.He isn't coming back."I whisper pulling her into a tight embrace.

"W-what if he does?"she sobs quietly into my chest,her fragile body shaking merely.

"He won't,or I'll kill him."

"Im s-sorry for waking you u-up."

"Hailey,don't apologise,I'm always here if you need me."I kiss her hair lightly.

She nods slightly in response,sniffling.

"I love you.."

"I love you to."she whispers.

"What?"my eyes widen.

"Goodnight.."she whispers a little awkwardly before closing her eyes.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated and it's short I've had heaps of homework,but yeah.so this book will have a few more chappies to go before it finishes...yeah..so I just wanted to thank all of you for 2.11k reads,I'm so happy! Ily all!

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