"Liz, you know that I don't want to be an actress or a model but just..."

    "A person who's happy and I'm happy with my lovely animals whom I love dearely." She cuts me off, trying to imitate me.

    "I don't sound like that." I say fake angrily.

    "I'm sorry, Faye." She murmurs sincerely.

    "It's okay. That aside why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

    "Ohw yeah..." She laughs awkwardly.

    "What's going on. Is everything okay?" I ask getting worried.

    "Do you remember that time in 8 grade when I made your homework and you promised me you were going to repay it."

    "No," I say confused, "I was the one who always made our homework."

    "Shit. I knew it wasn't going to work." I hear her whisper it under her breath but I still could hear it.

    "What do you want, Liz? You can ask me everything."

    "Are you talking for real, Faye?" I hear her voice light up. She sounded so hopeful.

    "Yeah, you can ask me everything." I shrug.

    "Can you please help me?" She begs me with so much hope in her voice.

    "As I said, you can ask me everything."

    "Everything? You are really going to do everything that I ask?" She sounded so devastated that I couldn't do anything but agree. I know Liz, she's never going to ask something that was out of my limit. Right?

    "I promise." I gave in.

    "A promise is a promise you can't break it."

    "Yeah, I know just say what's going on?" I hear her taking a deep breath before speaking.

    "Help me getting a promotion from an amount of almost 5 million dollar." She peeps it out.

    "Okay, and what do I have to do with that?" I ask her a little confused.

   "To get my promotion I need to gather information from the richest billionaire on the world, the one and only Mason William. I need to find his weakness and it's really difficult because he has such a private life. No one knows a thing about him even I couldn't gather information about him. Not even one single little thing."

    "I still don't get it." I shake my head with all this information. 

    "So, the thing that I would ask is not so much..." She once again takes a deep breath. "Please be my secret investigator and be his assistant so you could find his weakness."

    "Me? Why me? Couldn't you find someone else?"

    "No, I can't find someone else you're perfect for this job. I can't do it myself he already knows me, I bothered him so many times that he threatened me to band me of this country. Please, Faye. Help me!" She asks desperately.

    "He would never hire me as his assistant." I try to speak her over but it seems that her stubborn way won't take it.

    "Faye, listen. Look this is the perfect moment because he just has a place open for his personal assistant. We can't get closer to him than this. I want you to do it because you have everything I search in a person to do this. You are kind, have patience, work hard. Heck you're the one who has always an A+ on all the tests. And the most important thing is that you're a sneaky bitch."

    "I don't know, Liz...", before I could say anything further, she spoke up again.

    "Faye, you promised it."

    Not again with this shit.

    Why does everybody take advantage from my kindness?

    "And my animals? I can't leave them here behind."

    "I will search someone to take care for them."

And this people is the time that I got an amazing idea!

    "No, I want you to take care of my babies", I say with a sneaky undertone.

    "Owh hell to the no! I'm not going to take care for your nasty animals." She almost screamed it out.

    "Then I'm not going to do it." I laugh happily in the phone.

   "Okay, Faye. I take care of your animals while you find his weakness." My face fell down immediately.

I thought about it for a second. So, I need to go to New York to apply for this job to be his assistant so I could find his weakness. But there's no way in hell that he's going to hire me what means that I just need to apply and can go back to my village right away. In that way I did what she asked me and she wouldn't be mad with me. I'm so smart!


    "Yey! There goes my 5 million! I send you a plane ticket."


Warning! If you don't like possessive books or a dumb main character then don't read this. I mean it, you were warned. Please don't complain afterwards.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

I worked really hard on this and sorry for all the mistakes, I promise to correct them later.

Question: What's your favorite animal?

Mine a wolf.

Love you!

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