Kian Imagine

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Hey! This one's going to be stupid just like yesterdays was... Anywys enjoy!


You and Kian have been dating for a good 2 years now. Today was your guys anniversary. You went to a party but that's it. The party wasn't even for you guys but yet you went. Kian had been talking about this party for weeks. Both of you were driving to the party and just listened to music.

"Babe can you smile please?" He asked as he looked at you frowning.

"He doesn't even know its our anniversary..." You thought in your head. Your eyes started to get watery but you looked out the window and blinked the tears away.

"Fine." You sighed and put on a fake smile.

"Better." he said and took your hand in his while driving.

"Are we almost there yet?" You wanted to get there then find somewhere to sit or hide.

"Yea it's just around the block." He turned down the music and it got replaced by louder music and yelling. You groaned "This is not going to be a good party. Nothing could come good of this." You know how Kian gets when he's at a party and that's wild. He'll just forget. The car stopped and both you and Kian got out and you saw some of your friend but mostly Kian's friends. you walked over to your friends.

"What did he give you for your anniversary?" Your (b/f) asked.

"Nothing. He doesn't even know about it. He hasn't brought it up or anything today." You frowned and hugged your best friend and started to cry.

"It's okay I'm sure he'll make up for it later when you tell him." She reassured you. You laughed.

"I hope so." You wiped your tears away and then ran into the house. You looked around for Kian. He wasn't inside, outside, or in the front yard.

"Where is he?" You thought in your head. You went outside in the back and you started to cry...

"Oh My God! Kian!" You smiled and ran into his arms which he held open.

"Did you really think I forgot?" Kian asked half smiling and frowning. You pushed your head further into Kian's chest nodding you head in shame.

"Awe well here you go." He turned you around and smiled at what he accomplished. Standing there was you family, friends, and others. they held a banner saying "Happy anniversary!" in big letters. You're little brother held a box. He gave the box to Kian and ran back to your mom. Kian got on one knee and said.

"(Y/N) Will you marry me?" He smiled and grabbed your hand knowing your answer.

"Yes!" You were crying and laughing by now. Kian slipped the ring on your finger. You jumped up and down smiling.

"I love you (Y/N)!" Kian said.

"I love you too Kian!" You hugged him then kissed him. You're married to the love of your life.

"My names going to be (Y/N) Lawley." You smiled. He didn't forget.


This was cheesy as fuck at the end... anyways I don't know what I was typing I just went with it. It was short.. I'm sorry :(. I hope you guys liked it. Love you! Byeeeeee.

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