Next they had the problem of getting back to Camelot. When they got to the horses, they were fighting about who would sit in the front of the saddle, and who would sit behind.

Of course Merlin lost, because Arthur was a pompous prat who couldn't listen even in the worst of situations. He was also stronger, which was the main reason Merlin ended up in front.

Let's just say it was an awkward ride back to Camelot.


"Gaius... Are you saying... There's no way to take this gross green thing off our arms.... For a week???"

"Yes, I'm afraid that is what I'm saying. You'll have to keep an eye on that boy for me." There was a hey from Merlin before Gaius started again. "It shouldn't be too hard to keep an eye on him sire."

Sighing, Arthur thanked Gaius and dragged Merlin out.

"Good luck to the both of you," Gaius muttered. When he turned back to his work he said, "and good riddance."


It was also rather awkward to wake up in the same bed as your boss, and practically be holding hands with them. Somehow the green thing on their arm had turned slightly mushy to allow them to get comfortable.

Seeing the prat Prince next to him, Merlin fell out of bed, pulling Arthur with him.


"Merlin, have I ever told you how much of an idiot you are?" Arthur asked in a sleepy voice.

"Pleeeaaassee getttt ooff ooffff mmmeee," Merlin groaned. Arthur then stood up pulling his manservant with him. "Do I need to remind you, that I warned you that we should leave?"

"Too shey Merlin, too shey. Now get me dressed since we're late anyway."

Getting dressed was rather... Troublesome. Considering the arm was not able to go into the sleeve. So Arthur found button up shirts for both of them. (In case you're wondering, they cut the shirts they were in yesterday off.) So now Merlin had to adjust to new, fancy clothing that was loose as always, but he definitely did not forget to put his neckerchief on over the shirt.

"Merlin, since you're going to be at my side literally at all times, I'm going to fix your hair, and get some shirts that actually fit you by tomorrow."

"The things I go through because of you prat." Merlin muttered thinking that Arthur wouldn't hear. Due to their proximity, he did hear, and punched Merlin's arm.


"Ummm, Arthur?"


"I ummm... How do I say this... I kinda need to pee..."

That was another awkward story the two decided they'd never speak of again. Although, Merlin came out of the bathroom laughing, saying the word, "tiny," beside a redfaced Arthur.


Now Merlin was properly dressed, and constant caught Arthur staring down at his chest. Yes, Merlin had abs. Apparently Arthur hadn't known that. The shirt really brought out his muscles.

Then there was the pants. Merlin sincerely hated them. People kept complimenting Merlin's clothes and Merlin had to desperately try hard to not strangle them. Arthur had been the one to pick them out. With every compliment that Merlin received, Arthur's smirk (confidence and ego for that matter) grew.

"Nice clothing Merlin."

Merlin decided to try his best to hide. Unfortunately, he couldn't. He was attached to Arthur. So instead, he just fell face forward, and quit moving.

So for the rest of the day (because Merlin had to win the bet that he could do it) Merlin laid on his stomach, and was dragged everywhere by Arthur. Even up stairs. That's how determined he was to prove a point.


Arthur had been quite amazed at how many people had tried to kill him these past few days.

It was strange how Merlin was always the one to notice them, and stop them before Arthur could even bat an eye. let alone grab his sword.

Over that week, Arthur's appreciation for Merlin doubled. No, quadrupled.


Then one day the two woke up, and the green thing holding their arms together was gone.

So they went their separate ways.

Everything slowly went back to normal. Well besides the sexual tension between Arthur and Merlin. That definitely had become more obvious.

Most people could figure this out, and the two would never admit it, but they missed the green thing. Sure it was uncomfortable, annoying, and simply looked horrid, but it meant the two could be together at all times.

One other thing people noticed, was that they truly moved simultaneously. When they would run, they would run the same spee. If they had to stop, they would stop simultaneously without a look, or a word.

I guess that's what being stuck together for a week does to you.


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