My Dad Almost Sacrificed Himself For Me

Start from the beginning

Around this time I believe my mom was trying to find me free self-defense classes, since I couldn't afford anything on my tight budget. My dad was steadily getting more and more pissed off as George edged closer and closer to escalating as the days went by. It went from November to May. If my dad wasn't home, I would lock my bedroom door and keep my knife under my pillow. I would skype all night with my boyfriend, just so someone could call 911 for me if need be. I put a bunch of flower pots in front of my bedroom window so no one could get in silently, lol. I started sitting on the floor of my porch below the wall out of sight to smoke, but angled so I could see him if he walked up to it.

Nightmares of being kidnapped or raped or murdered started to invade my sleep every night.

Then one day my neighbor, Shell, was gossiping to me. "Did you hear about George?"


"He got arrested last night."

In the complex parking lot there's a big sort of... electrical power box? It stands about waist height, and is perhaps 2 or 3 feet wide. About 10 minutes before I was supposed to come home—and park right in front of it—some lady with her kid walking by and saw George sitting on the box masturbating.

Was he waiting there for me? Jerking off to the thought of me seeing him? Ugh, the thought makes me want to puke and scares me all at the same time.

I was relieved for a few days of my stress. But it was only a few days that he was gone. Then he was back, and he went right back to the same ol' routine.

One night he got far braver. It was maybe 7 PM when I went out for a cigarette with my dad. A neighbor walked up to chat with my dad, and George came outside and stood out in the open, staring me down.

"Dude's asking to get his fucking ass kicked," my dad said under his breath.

Then he chatted to the neighbor some more. I rolled my eyes, went inside, and played some more video games. I was healing in a World of Warcraft dungeon when I heard Shell shouting "where are you?!" But I was healing, a pretty important job, and I figured she was talking to someone else.

Until she burst into my room in a panic, her eyes huge. She hopped from foot to foot frantically like she was doing the potty dance. "HE'S BLEEDING!"

"Who?" I asked in bewilderment.


I made some teenager huffing sound and left my computer—certainly pissing off the rest of the group. I grabbed our little first aid kit filled with band aids. I thought in my mind that my dad was doing something stupid like tossing up his pocket knife and trying to catch it.

But when I stepped outside I found myself face to face with a real horror. About 6 people surrounded my dad including Shell, and my neighbor Caleb held a shirt to my dad's side. He was facing away from me, and his entire back was just covered in blood. It looked like he had been mauled by a bear. That was seriously my first thought. I didn't know we had bears in this city. Caleb's hold on the shirt slipped, and blood sprayed.

I feel queasy writing this down. I have never in my life been the person people turn to in an emergency. Blood makes me light headed and I have anxiety attacks over not being able to find a specific bookmark. But all of the adults (people around 30-40, while I was just 18) around me were panicked aside from Caleb. I needed to be the person that people turned to. I threw the first aid kit onto the porch and told Shell where we keep our towels. She rushed to go grab one.

"Has anyone called 911?" I shouted. 5 pairs of eyes turned to look at me like they'd never heard of 911 before.

"No!" My dad said. "I can't afford an ambulance!"

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