"Where's the official from the Japanese Org?"

"Sir we transfered him in the cell upstairs."

I quickly ran off and made my way to the second floor. I am still outside the cell but I can already heard his screams. They were mostly on Japanese but in some ways he managed to curse in English. Finally, an opportunity to let my stress go away.

I opened the door and stared at him. He looks like as if he's in the same age as me. This guy is an official?

"Get me out of here!"

But instead of answering I just looked at him and pulled out my knife as I rushed towards him. He became surprised and with wide eyes, he watched me stab his stomach.

I eyed him sharply while he was still in shock, after a while, blood was already dripping from his mouth. So I pulled the knife off and inserted it back again. I did that multiple times until the hole in his stomach became huge, revealing his organs.

I stopped when the blood was sprayed in my face. I rubbed it off as I was about to slice his neck when my phone ringed.


"Woah! Chill! Bro, there will be a party held by Mr. Choi, and-"

"You bothered me just to let me know that there will be a party? Do I look like a party person for you Knight?!"

"Well, you were very active in our last killing spree and thats considered a party so... Anyway!! You need to be there, Mr. Choi will be announcing something important. Its a masquerade ball.  So better prepare your tuxedo."

"How about the mask?"

"I'll provide that."

I ended the call and dialed another one.

"Order me a Tuxedo, color Royal Blue and silver."


"Get if from my secretary. And I repeat, silver, not gray"

I threw the phone off and looked at my victim. My blood boiled when I realized that he's not breathing any more.

"Fuck you Knight."

I removed my jacket and cleaned myself with it. Then I left the cell and walked towards my office. Fuck that old hag, I'm not in the mood to follow his orders!


Jimin's POV

"Jimin-ah! Namjoon hyung is calling you!"

Hoseok screamed at me trying to over take the sound of the music blasting. I quickly gulped down my Scotch on the Rocks as I made my way to Namjoon.


"You're secretary is looking for you."

After that he threw his phone towards my way as I exited the club.


"Sir, there is a problem with our sales. There are employees that are-"

"Kill them and dont bother me. I'm not in the mood to tell you the things that you should know by now."

I hanged up and entered the club once again, then I went straight to the counter and sat on one of the stools.

"One order of Mojito, lessen the soda water and add more rum."

"Ok sir."

I watched how the bartender played with the drinks, he kept on transferring drinks from one cup to another then started shaking it.

I don't know but watching some one mix drinks makes me calm.

"Here's your order sir, mojito. With less soda water and with added rum."

I was about to grab my drink when I felt a hand in my thigh. I turned my head sideways only to find a girl wearing a very tight dress and a seductive smile. After observing her, I continued to grab my drink and turned towards her again.

"What can I help you?"

"Formal, I see"

Then she giggled. That reminded me of some one. Areum used to giggle like that but not because of seduction but when she witnessed something exciting. Darn it I remembered her again. Fuck, it'll take me weeks again just to forget about her.

"I have an empty room upstairs. Are you ready to mess it up with me?"

I smirked and was about to answer when my phone ringed.


"Are you in a club again?"

"Shut up and spill me what you're gonna say."

"There's a party held by Mr. Choi later, you need to attend."

"What's the theme?"

"Masquerade ball. but prepare your tuxedo only, the mask will be provided"

"Do we need to follow the color coding?"

"Of course."

I hanged up and called my secretary.

"Get me a tuxedo. Color Maroon and Black."

"Ok sir."

I turned my gaze on the girl beside me while I caught her in the act when she grazed up and down my body. That made me smirk.

"Sorry miss, but my girlfriend is waiting for me at home."

"Girl friend?"

Funny how her face turned upside Down.

"You have a girlfriend?!"



"You dont need to know."

TKS #2: Moon Struck//JJK vs PJM vs KTHWhere stories live. Discover now