Chapter 25

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I’m in the middle of a forest that is lite up by the full moon and lightening bugs. I hear a women singing a lullaby, but can’t make the words. So I try to follow the singing. I slowly make my through the thick forest filled with trees, logs, branches, and flowers. Closer I got to the singing I was able to make out the lullaby.



Hush little child

Don’t cry tonight

For I’ll take away

All your fears alright

Don’t worry my child

I’ll be here to dry your tears

And shield you from darkness vile

Where there is sadness

Happiness sure to follow

No matter the madness

I’ll fight your sorrows

Don’t worry my child

For you are loved by many

But no matter what

You’ll always safe here

In my loving arms.


When I finally made it to where the singing was coming from I stopped in my tracks. I sucked in a breath at what I was seeing. It was me! It was me and my baby.


I woke up smiling and place my hand over my stomach, and that smile faded quickly when I felt sick. I jumped out of my bed quick and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Not just once or twice, but till I was dry heaving. After I was finally done I grab a cloth and put it under the water and then squeezed out any extra water. I held it to my head as I made my way to the kitchen to grab a glass a water. I was just about to lay on the couch when I hear someone knocking at my door. Groaning annoyingly, I set down my water and walked over to the door.

“Hello Phil” I say opening the door.

“Well good morning to you to Athena” He says sarcastically.

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