Chapter 33

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There are a couple different stories I came across, but this one seems to make the most sense to me” I tell Nigel and Ben.

“Okay what did you find?” Nigel asks as he rubs his hands over his face. I kind of feel bad waking them up, but we need to handle this ASAP.

“Well as we already know she was the only mortal one in her family at the time. She was considered a very good looking women, but it seems she let her looks define who she was. Every day Medusa would gloat her looks to everyone she would come across. She would tell people in the town she lived in that she was the most beautiful person alive. Medusa said her skin is better than gold, and her hair is brighter than the sun itself. She also stated that her eyes were greener than any known sea. Every day it was something else about her appearance and she would compare it to something in nature and how it would compare to her”

“No wonder she wasn’t liked! She was a conceded skanky bitch” Ben says making a funny looking face as he sat back on the couch.

“Well its gets better” I tell him giggling.

“Medusa went to Parthenon the famous temple in Greece and that’s where the goddess Athena statue is, along with other gods and goddesses in the Greek history. Well oppositely Medusa said that it should be her instead of Athena, because she would be a better temple to look at and be worshiped” I added.

“This women was mentality ill” Ben chimed in shaking his head.

“I guess so because the people quickly left the temple knowing that what she said came at a cost. No one ever dare to put down the great God or Goddess, and if they did they surly wouldn’t get away with it. Medusa was the only one left in the temple and soon the statue figure changed into goddess Athena herself” I read on.

“When Athena spoke she shouted angrily ‘Very stupid mortal you are’ and then ‘You think you’re beauty is better than the people around you or even your goddess that stands before you? Foolish you are, when there are people working hard to survive and know there is more to life than beauty alone you see’. Medusa did try to say beauty was encouragement, but Athena silenced her with the wave of her hand.” I paused before reading more.

“Man this chick doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shout” Ben butted in once again.

“Neither do you right now” I say jokingly and Ben scuffed scrunching his nose in disgust like ‘whatever’. Nigel and I both threw our heads back laughing, and when I finally stopped I finished reading.

“So as I was saying. Athena held her hand up and stated these few words out loud


‘Beauty will fade

As time makes you age

If taken for granted

One will be disenchanted

Time will no longer matter

For you can’t be flattered


Now I will speed up the aging

Beauty will quickly be fading

You won’t be gloating to whomever

For your beauty will be gone forever’

And there was a bright ball of light and next thing Medusa was turned into the monster we know today” I finish telling them as closing the book.

“I guess you were right! I think we can make this work, but we should wait till the babies are born” Nigel states pushing off the couch.

“I can’t wait that long Nigel” I quickly responded.

“I have 10 weeks left in my pregnancy and I don’t want Cole to miss the birth of his children” I tell him as I felt the tears start to build.

“I understand that Athena, but please wait. It’s better to be safe than sorry” He pleaded.

“You know that’s what Cole would want you to do” He added. Cheap shot is all I could think.

“Fine I’ll wait couple weeks, but that’s all” I snapped at him.

“Now we all agree on the matter. Can we go back to sleep” Ben whines.

“Yes I’m tired too, so good night to both of you” I tell them getting up and heading to the guest room not looking at them.

The rest of the week I kept to myself, because I was upset with Nigel for making me wait. For Ben I just wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, and I felt bad for blowing him off.

Sunday night I decided to make a nice little dinner feast for Ben. I made all his favorites and made sure I had everything ready before he got home. I just hope by doing this he will understand I wasn’t mad at him and I love having him around. I still had a few minutes before he would be here and I’ve been having these weird pains all day, but I’ve been on my feet all weekend. So I decided to grab a glass of ice water and lay on the couch, but I didn’t make it that far. As I made my way to the living room a piercing pain shoots from my back to my stomach making me drop the glass in my hand. I quickly reach for the wall to catch me before I fell to my knees. The pain is very intense which made me scream in horror, and I just hope it’s not the babies because it’s too early.

The Descendant and her Protectorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें