Chapter 19

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After I helped Athena get ready for her date and she was gone I decided to get something to eat. This house is just beyond astonishing, and I hope we can stay here till we die. After I made myself a sandwich I noticed it was a beautiful night out. So I grabbed my food and my guitar and headed out to the terrace to enjoy the stars.

After I ate my food I sat back in the lounge chair and stared up into the darkness admiring the flickering lights before me.  I don’t know how long I was gazing for before I doze off into a deep sleep.

I was sitting in the middle of an open field under the moonlight and surrounding stars. I look down and noticed my guitar was in my hand, but someone else was playing the piano elsewhere. It’s a lovely melody, but I can’t seem to pin point where it’s coming from. The melody is very dark, mysterious, and I don’t know why or how. I started to join in with the melody with my guitar. I closed my eyes as I attentively listen to the music blend in the most beautiful and tragic way. I felt the emotions from the music me and this mystery person was creating. It was like a story was behind this, and all of a sudden Athena popped into my head making my eyes shoot up.




I was so nervous sitting in the car next to Cole not knowing where we were going, and I tried everything to get him to spill. We sat in silence most of the ride, and Cole held my hand the whole time as well. After about 45 minute drive we pull up to an abandoned house, and I’m not going to lie it kind of creeped me out.

“Don’t worry” Cole says laughing, because I’m betting it’s the reaction on my face. We both got out of the car and he grabbed a bag out of his trunk. Then he walked over to me and slipped his hand into mine, and intertwined our fingers. Just holding his hand gave me butterflies like a school girl, and man I needed to pull myself together before I make a fool of myself. Noticing we were walking past the house and into the back yard where it was really dark. Even with the moon beaming brightly it was still that dark.

“I hope you brought a flash light with you” I tell him.

“For what?” He asks. What! Is he for real or playing games with me, and I didn’t know if I should respond to that. I decided not to respond and follow his lead, and he began to laugh as we enter the woods. I would be lying if I wasn’t starting to panic a little. Next thing I saw was a light shoot from Coles hand as we stop in our tracks.  I looked up at him speechless when I saw his eyes glowing at the same time, it was mesmerizing.  When I finally snapped out of it to look ahead, and I was in awe from what I was seeing. It looked like there were a million lighting bugs scattered in the woods, but a path we needed to follow was brighter.

“Uh-well, I’m speechless” I was hesitate in what to say.

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