Chapter 15

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Pulling up to the oversized house I started to feel a little nervous, because I didn’t know Nigel that well. Here I’ am showing up unannounced to his home. I stepped out of the cab and paid the driver before walking up to the front door. Every step I took my heart started to pound harder, and my palms were getting sweaty. Finally making it up to the door I take a deep breath, and reached over to ring the doorbell. Less than 30 seconds the door opened, and I was greeted by an older man that looked to be a butler.

“Ms. Parthenos please come right in” The gentlemen greeted kindly stepping back holding the door open.

I paused for a minute wondering how he knew my name, but stepped into the house. Shutting the door behind me, he stepped around so he was standing in front of me.

“This way” He tells me, and I follow him through the house till we made our way to the back doors. He opened the doors stepping to the side gesturing for me to go ahead.

“Mr. Ewan is waiting for you on the patio” He tells me as I step out of the house.

“Thank you” I tell him, and making my way to the patio. When I get a clear view of it I see Nigel standing there with his back to me. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a long sleeve shirt.

“I’m glad you decided to stop by today” He says with his back to me still.

“How did you know it was me” I asked making my way up onto the patio.

“Last night you told me you were thinking about coming over, don’t you remember?” He states as he starts to turn around to face me.

“Umm, well not really” I tell him honestly, and I felt my cheeks flush.

“Well do remember talking at the pond?” He asked assuming by my lack of remembrance. So that wasn’t a dream and everything we talked about wasn’t my imagination. Sighing I walked over to one of the chairs and took a seat before I spoke.

“Yes I remember talking with you, but I thought it was a dream and clearly it wasn’t”

“Well sorry to disappoint you that it wasn’t a dream, but don’t worry you will have many chances to dream about me” He states taking the seat next me.

“Oo please” I say rolling my eyes at him.

“Don’t act like you don’t find me attractive, because you couldn’t keep your hands off me last night” He rambles off shrugging his shoulders.

“I DID NOT DO SUCH A THING” I screeched jumping out of my seat.

“Calm down I was only joking” He says laughing.

“Real funny jack ass” I spat crossing my arms glaring at him. He stood up still laughing and started to walk towards me.

“I like the frisky Athena, she will do well in training today” He says with a big grin as he stands only inches from me now.

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