Chapter 10

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Once Cole’s lips met mine I started to get these flash imagines like you see happen in movies. A women with beautiful blond hair that is covered by a golden helmet with an ivory dress robe. Her back is facing me as she stands like a guard would as they stand alert and ready for anything. She is a guard from what I'm guessing, because of the spear in her right hand. Another image is of a group of people looking down from the sky and I can’t make out who they are, because they are giving off this bright light, it’s kind of blinding. Next is a battle and everyone is running like crazy all around and I see my brothers as well as Cole. Next vision is of that guard women and she's pointing her spear at a women yelling something in another language. The other women is kneeled down pledging before her and the tears are falling from her eyes. Out of nowhere there is this flash of light and the women that was on her knees is now standing screaming. I can't believe what I'm seeing before me, this once beautiful women is now milky white with a tint of green. Her eyes are deep red and full of hate and her hair was of snakes no longer golden locks. I gasp louder than I thought and she snaps her head over my way and next imagine comes across. Cole stands before me smiling with his hand out as he was offering me to take it into mine. I started to walk towards him but he suddenly falls to his knees arching his back and his face goes pale. The women who has hair of snakes is standing behind him pulling out a sword as she smiles over to me.

"ATHENA? ATHENA?" Cole is yelling as he shakes me to pull me out of the visions. Once I snapped out of it I just stare into Cole’s eye, and tears slowly fall from my eyes.

“I still don’t understand all this Cole, but I do know you can't die on me" I sob out like a baby as he pulls me close to him and I lay my head in the nook of his neck.

"I promise you that nothing is going to happen to me or you" He reassures me as he lightly rubs my back.

"I think it’s time we all fill you in" Cole states and I perk up and look at him confused.

Next morning I woke up hoping everything that went down last night was a crazy dream, but opening my bedroom door to see my family I knew this was for real.  My mother was in the kitchen cooking of course and my dad and brothers were watching TV chatting. I saw Cole was sitting at the counter reading a book that looked old and he looked frustrated. I walked over to my table to take a seat and reached for one of mom’s famous glazed chocolate pastries. I look over to Cole only to see him staring at me, and he gives me a small smile that makes my stomach do flip flops. That was quickly interrupted by a knock at the door. Being my apartment I get up to go see who it was and once I open the door my heart drops. Not in a bad way or anything like that it was more like ‘Oh crap I forgot about Jase’. He was standing there with a bright happy smile and reaches and wraps his muscle arms around my waist.

“Hey beautiful, how are you this morning?” he asks in a low tone as he slowly brings his lips to mine. Once his lips touch mine I couldn’t but help melt into his arms and totally forgetting everything around me. There was a loud slam making Jase and I break out of our kiss.

“I’ll be back later guys” Cole says a little annoyed and shoves the book into his bag then throwing it over his shoulder. Then walks past Jase and I not saying a word or even looking at either of us.

“Nice to see you too man” Jase says to Cole sarcastically, but Cole doesn’t even respond.

“Cole wait up” My brother Tias yells out as he runs down the hall towards Cole.

“So anyways, I came here to see if you’re free today” Jase asks trying to catch my attention, but I just stare down the empty hallway.

“Earth to Athena” Jase says laughing as he waves his hand in from of my face.

“Huh?” I say looking back at him.

“I was asking what you had planned today” He restates the question again for me.

“O, ugh well my family kind of showed up out of the blue, but I can text you as soon as they leave” I tell him feeling kind of guilty for some reason.

“Okay beautiful sounds good” Jase tells me then places a soft kiss on my forehead, and says hello to everyone before leaving. After Jase left I wasn’t in the mood for anyone or anything so I just went into my room with my door shut and laid in my bed.


When I saw Jase kiss Athena I couldn’t help but feel jealous and anger towards him. Jase is a great guy and friend, but I wanted to rip him away from her. So I had no choice but to leave before I did something stupid plus it’s not Jase’s fault. Plus he has every right to be with Athena, and he is a good choice for her. Tias followed me all the way back to the frat house in silence and I was glad for that, because I wasn’t in the mood for talking. I sat at the table hitting my forehead on it making a thud sound, and growling loud.

“Bro you know you guys can’t be together” Tias reminds me. I stood up kicking the chair behind me knocking it over.

“YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THIS ALREADY” I shout and punch the wall.

“Dude calm down, getting angry isn’t going to help” Tias says calmly.

‘“I know, I’m sorry for yelling at you and you’re right” I say quietly as I set my head on the wall.

“I know I’m right! I’m always right” Tias says as he bites into an apple smiling.

“I think your head is a little big dude” I reply.

“So you heard” He says walking past me.

“Actually no, I heard It’s like a pencil” I say laughing, and he stood there speechless. I walk past him, and headed to my room to pack.

“THAT’S A LIE” I hear him yell to me.

I head back down stairs about half an hour later to see the guys playing Xbox, and Tias turns and stares at my bags.

“What the hell are you doing Cole” He asks a little confused.

“I need to look into some things and get away for a little bit” I tell him.

“I’m going with you no arguments about it” He states firmly jumping out of his seat and out the door.

I follow behind him, and we get into my truck and head back to the dorms so he can grab his stuff and fill the others in. I waited in the car, because I couldn’t face Athena yet without grabbing her and just hold her never letting go. Tias came back with his stuff throwing it into the trunk, and gets in the passenger’s seat. Letting out a breath he turns to me to say something.

“She’s locked in her room and refuses to come out for anyone”

“Don’t worry she will be fine, we need to get going” Saying that to him as we drove away from the dorms broke my heart, but I knew this had to be done to keep the girl I love more then anything safe.


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