Chapter 28

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Monday morning arrived and Cole insisted in going with me to my appointment. We waited for the doctor to come in to see me, and when he finally came he brought along a little TV monitor.

“Good Morning I’m Doctor Weskey and you must be Athena?” He asks shaking my hand.

“Nice to meet you and this is my boyfriend Cole” I introduced and he shakes his hand as well.

“Ready to see how far along you are?” He asks excitedly and walks over to shut the lights off.

“Now Athena I need you to lay back and set your feet on the striups” He directed nicely and I did as I was told.  I laid back and Cole stood up to come stand next to me, and held my hand.

“Just relax this won’t hurt at all” Dr. Weskey reassures me. Having Cole here helped me feel relax, and I was glad he wanted to come. The Doctor inserted this long camera stick looking thing into my vagina. He was right it didn’t hurt at all, and I looked over to watch the monitor.

“There is your baby” He tells up pointing to the monitor. He explained to us what we were looking at, and that I’m 7 weeks along. After the appointment we went to the store to pick up my vitamins.

The next few weeks were going well and I couldn’t be happier. I did have some morning sickness, but it started to happen less thank god. Cole, Nigel and Phil all worked with me on controlling and using my powers. I couldn’t train much with the fighting because of being pregnant, but got to work on some moves. I noticed I became more tired the further along I became, and would take naps during the day.

(10 weeks later)

Today we find out what we were having and I couldn’t be more excited. Cole wanted a boy of course and I just wanted a healthy baby honestly.  We waited in the sonogram for the doctor and this time he would use a smaller camera that looked like a little microphone.

“Good Moring guys how are we doing today?” Doctor Weskey asks walking into the room.

“Tired and hungry” I answered making Cole and the doctor laugh.

“Very normal” He tells me smiling. He put this warm jelly onto my belly and then moves the camera around with it. Looking over at the monitor with Cole holding my hand, and the other on top of my head.

“O wow” The doctor said with a shocked look, and I instantly became nervous.

“What is it? Is everything okay?” Cole questioned.

“Yes everything is just fine, but it seems that you’re having twins” He informs us happily. Both Cole and I froze not knowing how to react to this unexpected news.

“Would you like to know what you’re having?” He asked us, and I just nodded my head still speechless.

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