Chapter 16

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We pull up to this club that’s on the other side of town, and it was packed. We step out of Ben’s car and walked up to the building with blasting music, and the guards let us in without any questions. Once we walked in, it was a lot bigger inside then it looked from the outside. A few of Ben’s buddies from another College came up, and he introduces me to them. They were all very nice and told us to join their group to have some drinks, so we did. 

We had a few drinks as Ben played catch up with his friends, till a song came on that I loved. I pulled on Bens arm to get him to go and he handed me a shot first. I grabbed the shot as everyone around the table lifted theirs in the air for a cheers. After everyone did their cheers we all threw back our shot, and headed to the dance floor.  I was finally enjoying myself after weeks of stress and training, though the alcohol was helping with my mood. After another song ended I needed to pee so I told Ben and he said he had to as well, so he came with me.

When I came out I noticed he wasn’t out yet so I stood there to wait for his slow butt. I was looking out onto the dance floor when I saw that girl that made out with Jase that one night. I felt my mood change the moment I saw her dancing with some random dude. Probably someone else’s boyfriend I’m sure. Making my way to the dance floor irritated with her presents here. I didn’t realize the dance floor was filling up with more people and I was losing sight of her. I wasn’t giving up that easily, crowd or no crowd. I’ll find her and drag her out of this place by her hair, and then kick her ass.

Pushing my way through the crowd of sweaty drunks dancing. I was getting annoyed that I couldn’t find her. There was no way she got lost in this mob pit of people that quickly. Making my way through another tight squeeze I stumble upon Cole and that vile women that’s always all over him. I felt my heart sink, as well as the color in my face which I’m sure is ghost white. A heart beat later I immediately turn before either of them noticed. I turned and shoved through the crowd looking like a mad women I’m sure. As soon as I was off that dance floor I luckily ran right into Ben.

“Hey I was Lo-what’s wrong” He asks concern, and I just shake my head holding back the tears.

“Nothing I just want to go home” I blurted before I could let a tear by pass my eye.

“Okay, let me call us a cab” He says pulling out his phone as we head to the exit.

When we got outside I walked over to a bench to sit while we waited for our cab. Ben finishes the call and takes a seat next to me wrapping his arm around me, and pulls me into a tight hold. Once my head landed on his shoulder I felt a few tears escape.

“Oh honey what’s wrong?” Ben asks pushing the hair out of my face so he can see me.

“What’s wrong with me Ben? Am I hideous or something?” I sob out.

“What? Why would you think that?” He asks pulling me from him, so I’m making eye contact with him. I just shrug my shoulders knowing if I spoke I just ball more like a new born baby. I truly didn’t want to be crying like this, but here I’ am. I think Ben got the point that I didn’t want to talk and just held me while waiting for the cab.

“Athena?” A male voice calls out, but I ignore it.

“Athena are you okay”

I look up to see Cole looking down at me with concern, and I bury my face back in Ben’s chest and muffled ‘fine’.

“Don’t lie to me Athena, now what’s wrong” He demands. I can’t believe the nerve of him demanding me to answer him. Pushing off Ben and standing up now extremely angry with him. I squared my shoulders and wiped away the tears before speaking to him.

“You have some ner-” And I was cut off by a whiney voice.

“Come on Cole I want to leave” Heather snaps crossing her arms, and Cole goes to say something but I butt in first.

“Do you ever shut the hell up? Your voice is more annoying than Fran from The Nanny” I snap at her.

“Who do you think yo-”

“Just shut up would you! I don’t know what Cole see’s in you” I state cutting her off.

“You’re just upset your man left you and Cole don’t want you” She replies.

“Heather” Cole growls.

“Don’t dare defend me!” I snap at him, and he whipped his head back towards me in shock.

“I can handle my own fights” I added then looked back at Heather.

“And for your information I broke up with Jase. I don’t care if Cole wants me or not. If he wants to degrade himself by being in public with an ogre looking troll then that’s his business and I frankly could care less” I tell her not fully thinking of what was coming out of my mouth. Before anyone can say anything else Ben pulled on my arm to tell me that our cab was here. I didn’t say anything else or even bother looking at Cole to see his reaction. I just turned away from the both of them and got into the cab.  When we got into the cab Ben told the driver where to take us than sat back, and took me into his arms.  He knew exactly what I needed and I just started to cry again letting it all out. After a few minutes of crying I set up to wipe the tears away.

“Thanks Ben for being such an amazing friend” I tell him as I lay my head in the nuke of his neck, and staring out the front window.

“No need to thank me love. I will be here for you any time you need me” He whispers and places a soft kiss on top of my head. I wish Ben wasn’t gay, because I would totally date him. He is the greatest person I’ve met, and I’m glad we found each other. We sat in silence the rest of the time and I just keep staring out the window as bright lights blinded me. Ah great another vision is about to happen I thought to myself, but I was wrong when I heard Ben screaming.

“HEY WATCH OUT FOR THAT CAR” Ben yells in a warning, but the driver was unsuccessful.

Only thing I heard after that was screeching of tires and glass shattering around me. Things became blurry quickly, than everything went black.



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