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It's been a month since Jason and Vanessa were born, and every day I fall in love with them more than the last. Cole had a crew come over to fix up the house before the babies and I got home from the hospital. I was shocked at how it looked like nothing ever happen in here.

My brothers are great uncles too, and boy do they spoil their niece and nephew. They're always wanting to hold Jason and Vanessa when they are around them. It was cute seeing them act the way they do over them. They try to come off all macho, but they are big softies in the end. They are very protective of them as they are with me still. It can be over baring sometimes, but I know they mean well.

My parents moved into a house not far from us, and my mom is always willing to help me out with the babies. Ben is still living with us, and acts like a second mom. Well as he called it and it's true. He loves dressing them up in the cutest outfits and taking their pictures. I really have a great family and friends that care and stick together no matter what. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

As for Medusa I guess my brothers told me she doesn't remember her past life and don't think she ever will. They set her up in an apartment a few towns over and gave her enough money to get her on her feet. Her name was change to Madora Elisabeth Arinic who grew up in a foster home, and the foster parents died in a car accident when she was nineteen. She's also enrolled into a community college too my brothers told me. They reassured me that they will keep a close eye on her, and make sure she stays on the right path. I hope the reverse spell I casted changes her, and she lives a better life than before.


The first year was flying by and soon we would be celebrating the twins first birthday. Jason was looking more like his father every day, while Vanessa looked more like me. Her hair was dark and thick, and stop on top of her shoulders. We kept Jason's dark thick hair short and spiky, but Cole wanted to do a Mohawk for his first birthday. So I agreed to let it grow out some.

Ben was helping me plan the twin's first birthday party, and we got to know some of the neighbors who have kids too. So we decided to invite them as well so the twins could make some friends. We went with thing 1 and thing 2 from Cat in the Hat theme for them, and seeing how it was one of their favorite movies.

It was the day of the party and I felt like a basket case running around making sure everything was ready before everyone got here.

"Cole can you grab the twins and bring them to the back yard" I called up to him.

"We will be down in a minute" He yelled back

When they came down into the kitchen where I was, and when I saw them I felt the tears spring up to my eyes. They were so cute in their little outfits.  Jason was wearing a red jumper that had the thing one patch and Vanessa had a red shirt that had thing two patch with a little red, blue and white color tutu. Cole mange to do her hair in pigtails, and he actually did a pretty good job.

"Awe look guys you made mommy cry" Cole says jokingly. I walk over to them and gave all three of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Can you take them out back please? People should be showing up any minute, and Ben is back there setting up the toys or playing with them" I tell Cole making him laugh about Ben. He gave me another kiss before taking the kids out back.

Everyone we invited showed up and was glade I made a lot of food. Plus the kids were loving all the attention they were getting, and they were making new friends too.

"Why don't you take a break beautiful and have some cake" Cole says as he wraps his arms around me, and places a few kisses on the side of my neck.

"Don't start" I warned him as he keep kissing me, and making me giggle.

"Later love, for now take a seat" He whispered into my ear sending chills down my back. My feet were killing me from being on them the past two days. So I decided to take him on his offer, and have a seat.

"Here you go beautiful" Cole says smiling as he set down a slice of the kid's birthday cake.

"Thanks" I tell him. I couldn't wait to try the famous cake Ben kept talking about for two months. I go to dig in when something shiny caught my eye and I had to take a double take.

"Cole?" I say in a confused tone and slowly turn to see him on one knee grinning ear to ear.

"Athena Marie Parthenos, I love you the first time I laid eyes on you when we were kids, and I still and always will love you. Even death itself can't keep me from loving you or our beautiful children. I want to spend every day with you for the rest of our lives as you as my wife. Will you marry me?" I sat there in awe as happy tears fall from my eyes, and I just nodded. He grabbed the ring from the cake and placed it on my finger and everyone was cheering.

The rest of the night I had a smile on my face, and Ben was already planning the wedding. He needs a man I told him, because he would live through me. Not that I didn't mind but he was scared to fall in love. I walked over to Cole and took a seat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey beautiful" He coos giving me a kiss, but we were startle by a high pitched scream. We both jumped up to see who it was, and I saw my brothers did the same.

"Wait" I told them. We all watched as Vanessa cries from one of the older boys who was like four walk away with a toy she was playing with. Next thing we saw was kind of touching, well to me at least. This little boy name Travis Zogravos went over and snatched the toy back, and brought it back over to Vanessa. Vanessa stopped crying right away as Travis gave her the toy back and took a seat next to her so he could play.

"Awe" I said putting my hand over my heart.

"Ahh hell, here we go again" Alex stated.

"What does that mean?" Cole asked, making my brothers laughed.

"Doesn't he remind you of someone?" Tias pointed out, and Cole sat there for a minute confused.

"Shit, no more inviting boys Athena" Cole says running his hand through his hair making us all laugh now.

"Oh stop, she's only one" I teased him and then smacked his arm.

"Exactly! No one's dating my little girl. EVER" He told me and my brothers agreed with him. I just rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around him.

Daddy's girl doesn't know what she's in for when she gets older. Over protective father, uncles and I know Jason will be too.

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