"I'm surprised." Evan said.

"Surprised that I love you?" Zoe asked.

"No. I'm surprised you want to still be with me. I mean you saw your parents faces." Evan said. Zoe sighed and kissed him again.

"I was a bit angry at first. But then I saw the look on your face. You had been fighting with this idea for a long time. You knew what could happen going into it. And then I realized that it's can just be you and me. If my parents don't approve then that's fine." Zoe said. Evan kissed her sweetly and she smiled.

"I love you." Evan whispered, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I know you do. I love you too." Zoe said.

She turned and opened her locker and Evan never broke the hold around her waist. She smiled to herself when Evan rested his head on her shoulder. He started humming a random song and started gently swaying back and forth subtly. Zoe laughed happily and zipped her backpack up.

"Walk me to class?" Zoe asked. Evan smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Who would pass up that opportunity?" Evan asked and he led her down the hall.


Zoe walked towards the table that Alana, Jared, and Evan sat at and she smiled.

"Zoe Murphy!" Jared said happily. Zoe smiled and sat beside Evan.

"How's the family?" Jared asked. Zoe's smile fell and she looked down at her lap.

"Fine." She whispered. Evan shot Jared a look and Zoe's eyes filled with tears.

"Ah, um... just um... I'll be r-right back." Zoe said. She grabbed her backpack and ran out of the cafeteria. Evan sighed and looked at Jared and Alana before running after her. Jared looked at Alana who shrugged.


"Zoe. Come on baby. Come out." Evan said. He sighed and stood outside the girls bathroom. He sighed and heard the door open.

"E-Evan." Zoe said. Her eyes were red and bloodshot and puffy and Evan hugged her.

"Oh baby. Please don't cry." Evan soothed.

"Jared... my family..." Zoe trailed off. She sighed and buried her face in Evan's chest.

"I know. He didn't mean to though. He didn't know. I didn't tell him." Evan said quietly. Zoe looked up at him with her eyes still full of tears.

"You didn't?" Zoe asked.

"No. I figured that you and your family have been through enough. You don't need anything else." Evan said. Zoe hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." Evan said. Zoe loosened her grip on Evan and sighed.

"Evan I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home." Zoe said. Evan looked at her.

"Okay. Do you want to be alone or-"

"I want you to come with me." Zoe said.

"Zo, I don't think I should be at your house. Especially around your parents. They might kill me." Evan said. Zoe cupped his face in her hands and he rested his forehead on hers. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"I won't let them. My mom normally runs errands during the afternoon and then visits Connor's grave for a while. My dad doesn't get home until 6." Zoe said.

"Or, we could go to my house. I have Kraft Dinner in the cupboard and Disney movies." Evan said.

"Evan, baby you have to face them sometime. And wouldn't it be easier to just get it out of the way?" Zoe asked. Evan shook his head.

"Zoe I can't. No-not today it... it's too soon." Evan said. Zoe nodded slowly and took a step backwards.

"Okay. Then to your house it is." Zoe said. Evan smiled and grabbed her hand. She kissed him and he smiled.

"I love you Zoe." Evan said. Zoe smiled.

"I know you do. I love you too." Zoe said.


"Okay that was amazing." Zoe said.

"I still can't believe you keep a copy of The Little Mermaid in your backpack." Evan said laughing. Zoe smiled.

"Well, it's lucky I do. Because we needed it today." Zoe said.

"How many times have you seen The Little Mermaid?" Evan asked.

"I don't know. But I know the entire thing off by heart." Zoe said. Evan laughed and Zoe sighed.

"Okay. So now you pick a Disney movie and then we can do something else." Zoe said. Evan picked a random movie off the shelf and Zoe made a noise. Evan looked at her.

"What?" He asked.

"That's not a good one. It's sad." Zoe said.

"It's The Fox and The Hound." Evan said. Zoe looked at him.

"That movie traumatized me when I was little. I can't watch it." Zoe said. Evan smiled and looked at her.

"Which one do you want me to pick?" Evan asked.

"Well you can never go wrong with Moana." Zoe said. Evan laughed and put Moana in the DVD player. They heard a key turn in the lock and Heidi walked in.

"Hey honey. Hi Zoe." Heidi said.

"Hi Mom." Evan said.

"Hi Ms Hansen." Zoe said.

"What are you two doing?" Heidi asked, putting her bag down. She was still in her navy scrubs from work.

"We're watching Disney movies." Evan said. Heidi chuckled as the opening credits for Moana started playing.

"Evan! It's starting!" Zoe said excitedly. Evan smiled and pulled her into his arms as the movie started playing.


"Thanks for walking me home." Zoe said. Evan stopped at the end of her driveway.

"It's nothing Zoe. You shouldn't walk home in the dark." Evan said. Zoe kissed him sweetly.

"I'm sorry about my parents. You deserve better." Zoe said. Evan shrugged.

"It's okay Zoe. I knew what I was going into when I told you." Evan said. Zoe led him up to her front step. She stood on the step and he stood on the walkway.

"Did I tell you how brave you were?" Zoe asked. Evan smiled.

"Yeah." He said. Zoe smiled and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she tangled her fingers in his hair. The porch light flicked on and Zoe jumped. Evan kissed her once more before smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Evan said. Zoe blew him a kiss before walking inside and watching Evan walk back down the sidewalk towards his house.

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