I let out a sigh and look out the window. I really miss everyone. When I turn to look at the mirror, I see a picture of Dick and me.....

My mother comes into my room.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"Nothing mom"

"Do you want to get some ice cream?"

"Really? Okay let's go, let me change clothes" I grab my utility belt, my communicator and my phone. Before we leave I text Jason, just in case anything happens.....

I grab my mother's wheel chair and get ready to go. We walk to the ice cream shop and go to the park, everything is fine until I feel danger.... I immediately text Jason, who gets to the park in a minute.

"Everything okay?" He hugs me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Yeah, I just feel we are in danger. I'm going home"

"I'll take your mother. I already called Batman"

"Okay thanks, hey I have to go, I'll be back soon"

"Where are you going?"

"I am taking ballet lessons" I blush

"Hey, don't worry, there's nothing to be ashamed of"

"Thanks Jason" I hug him. "Make sure my mother is safe" I turn to my mother "mother I have to go, Jason is taking you home, be careful"

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be back soon"

"Wait" she holds my arm "just in case" she gives me a letter "if anything happens read this, it will explain everything"

I watch Jason as he leaves and takes my mother home. Then I walk to my ballet class. I feel like someone is watching me.

At the end of the class I get attacked by some assassins.....

Fortunately I have my utility belt. I'm ready to fight when someone throws a smoke pellet. What? I don't think that was anyone from the Bat team. I see a dark figure coming towards me really fast. I attack and get ready to go home.

"Wait! I'm just trying to help you!" I hear a girls voice.

She is wearing the Batgirl costume. It can't be Barbara. They got a new Batgirl!!!! Maybe they don't need me. I use another smoke pellet to disappear. I jump and hide to watch her.

"Cassandra! Are you okay! What happened?"

"Nightwing" I whisper

"Well, a ballerina attacked me"

"We have to go. Victoria is in danger"

Before going home, I go to the changing room and change. Afterwards I run as fast as I can.

My mouth hangs wide open when I see that the door is broken.

Oh no!

"Mom? Jason!" They are both lying on the floor.

"Get down" my mom says

I get down and hear a gun and a scream. I look at my mom and see that she hurt the guy.

"Mom? Where did you learn that?"

"It doesn't matter, you have to get out of here"

"No, not without you!"

Then I see Batman approaching.

"We have to leave, come on"

"I can't" my mother says "I can't move and Jason is the same"

"I'll help you" says Batman.

"Bruce," my mother says "promise you'll take care of her no matter what"

"I will, I promise"

What?! My mother knows Batman's identity? I feel so left out.


"Yes mom?"

"Remember this, you were born to be a hero no matter what. Be strong"

She coughs and has trouble breathing. Then she closes her eyes closely.

"Mom! Mom! Don't do this! Don't leave!"

A tear runs down my cheek, she told me to be strong. I look up and see someone. Then I hear a voice in my head.

"What are you going to do now? You want me? Come find me"

I remember that voice........ Simon.....the psychic. I feel a burst of anger inside me, I grab my sword and throw it at Simon missing him by an inch.

"Victoria?" I hear Nightwing's voice.

I realize that I calm down a little. I drop to my knees and scream in frustration. Then I feel someone behind me. It's Nightwing, he's hugging me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine"

"Hey look at me" he pulls my chin up and forces me to look into his gorgeous blue eyes. "There's something happening with you, what is it?"

"I don't know, but you are right, something is wrong with me"

"Let's go home" he grabs my hand.


"Sorry, are you hurt?"

"I think so, let's go home"

I grab my stuff and get on the motorcycle. Soon we reach the Manor. I get down and go straight to my room.

The first thing I do is change into sport clothes and put a bandage around my wrist. Then I grab the letter my mother gave me. It says:

"Victoria, I know I should of told you this sooner, but the situation is complicated. Your father and Bruce were close friends, so let's say we know each other well. The following is going to be the hardest thing to accept but I am not your mother. Please remember this, you are a hero, ever since you were little you wanted to do what is right, you've always admired heroes, don't let others tell you what to do. Please don't hate your father or me for this. With love, your mother."

"Who is my mother then?"

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say. Bruce walks in.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'll be okay"

"Listen, I know I'm not your father, but I'm still worried about you. I want to apologize for what happened earlier"

"Don't worry about it, my mother explained everything in this letter, including that she is not my mother."


"Here, I don't mind if you read it" I give him the letter.

"Your mother asked me not to tell you that we knew each other"

"You don't have to explain Bruce, it's okay I promise"

He gets close and hugs me. I hug him tightly. Then he walks towards the door.

"Bruce? About what you said, you are part of my family, probably the only family I have left, so I just wanted to thank you"

He smiles and leaves. I need time to think and plan what I'm going to do.


I'm glad Victoria is okay, well not okay at all, but she seems fine for now. I go to the Bat-cave to check on Jason, who was unconscious when we found him. As I go down I see Bruce is watching a video of Victoria when we first met.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Looking at her way of fighting, Cassandra said that not everyone can predict others moves unless an assassin taught you"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Mary is not Victoria biological mother"

"So that means that maybe her mother is an assassin?"

"Let's hope not"

Dark Nights In Gotham City (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now