Is That My Shirt?

Start from the beginning

"Evan." She said smiling.

"Sorry. I'm just admiring my beautiful, adorable, smart, perfect girlfriend." Evan said, he continued to pull her close. They were now so close that their hips were touching. Zoe was blushing and laughing by now. Evan had wound his arms around her waist and he looked at her.

"Hi." He said. Zoe laughed.

"Hi." She said. Evan kissed her and Zoe smiled. She broke away gently.

"Okay as much fun as this is, I need to go to my locker." Zoe said. Evan smiled and grabbed her hand. They walked to her locker and Zoe quickly opened it. She reached up and grabbed her World Religions textbook and notebook and her biology textbook and notebook.

"Ah World Religions," Evan said. "The most boring subject that this school teaches." He said. Zoe nudged him with her elbow.

"I like it. And Miss Harris really likes me so it's okay." Zoe said. Evan laughed and wrapped his girlfriend into a hug.

"So movie and dinner at my place after school!" Evan said excitedly. Zoe nodded.

"Your mom won't be home will she?" Zoe asked. Evan raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you liked my mom-"

"No of course I do. I just haven't been alone with you in so long." Zoe said. Evan laughed and kissed her.

"My mom will not be there, she has the night shift tonight." Evan said. Zoe smiled as the bell rang.

"Shit." She mumbled. She kissed Evan once more.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." Evan replied. She smiled before walking down the hall towards the steps to her class.


"I hate her!" Zoe said. She threw her backpack down at the lunch table that Evan, Jared, and Alana were sitting at and she sat beside Evan and put her head in her hands.

"What's the matter Zoe?" Alana asked.

"I hate her I hate her I hate her!" Zoe said. Evan put a hand on her back and for the first time, Zoe pulled away from any contact.

"Hate who?" Jared asked.

"Miss Harris. She's such a bitch!" Zoe said.

"What happened? Did you deface a bible?" Jared asked.

"No. She is a terrible human." Zoe said, tears welling up in her eyes. She buried her face in her hands and Alana and Jared gave Evan a look.

"Zo, do you want to take a drive? Get your mind off it?" Evan asked gently. Zoe looked up and towards her boyfriend. She smiled gently.

"Yes. I don't need to go to English or Anthropology. Let's go for a drive." Zoe said. She grabbed her backpack and Evan turned to Jared and Alana.

"If any of our teachers ask, Zoe felt super light headed so I took her home." Evan said. Jared nodded and Evan took Zoe's hand and they walked out of the school.


"I'm sorry about lunch today." Zoe said looking at her hands.

"What are you talking about?" Evan asked. Zoe sighed and looked at her boyfriend.

"When you touched me and I pulled away. It wasn't anything you did." Zoe said. Evan looked at her for a quick second before turning back to the road.

"I know Zoe. You were stressed out. I know how you get when you're stressed. You don't like people touching you." Evan said. Zoe turned to him and grabbed his free hand.

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