"If I lost you-"

"But you didn't. I'm right here." Zoe soothed. Evan felt the sting of tears and he blinked his eyes to try and get them to dry.

"Oh my baby, please don't cry." Zoe said, as her eyes watered.

Both teenagers sat there, trying not to let the other see how close to tears they were. Evan kissed every inch of Zoe's face before kissing her on the lips, as gently and as gingerly as possible. Zoe get tears fall down her cheeks and she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Zoe. Oh baby. Please don't cry." Evan said.

Zoe opened her eyes and Evan looked at her.

"E-Evan?" Zoe asked. Evan nodded.

"Yeah Zo?" He asked.

"M-My parents aren't going to be home until next w-week and um... I don't think I can stay here alone." Zoe stuttered.

"Okay. Do you want to come to my house?" Evan asked. Zoe bit her thumbnail and nodded. Evan kissed her.

"I'll let my mom know." Evan said gently. Zoe stood up and started picking up the popcorn all over the floor.

"Do you wanna finish the movie? Or watch a different movie?" Evan asked. Zoe put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and curled up into Evan's arms.

"Can we watch The Little Mermaid?" Zoe whispered. Evan nodded and gently stood up and put the movie into the DVD player and pressed play. Zoe started absentmindedly humming along to the songs in the movie and Evan smiled. She looked happy and Evan never wanted it to end.


"Well Zoe, we are very happy that you are staying with us. Where did you say your parents were?" Heidi asked.

"My moms in Indianapolis and my dad is in Colorado." Zoe said softly. Heidi sat down and looked at Evan.

"Colorado? That seems a bit far for a business trip don't you think?" Heidi asked.

"Yeah I guess. I mean my dad is super dedicated to his work and he heard there was a new branch opening in Colorado and he wanted to oversee the process." Zoe said.

"Do you think he's enjoying himself?" Heidi asked. Zoe shrugged.

"It doesn't matter." Zoe said. She continued to push her food around her plate before setting her fork down.

"You know, I've got a lot of um, homework and st-stuff. S-So if you don't mind." Zoe stuttered.

"Yeah of course honey, all of your things are up in Evan's room." Heidi said. Zoe stood up and smiled shyly.

"Um, th-thank you for dinner. It was delicious." Zoe said. She walked upstairs and Heidi turned to her son.

"Zoe seems very off today; is everything okay?" Heidi asked. Evan looked at his mother and nodded.

"She's very um, stressed right now. She doesn't like it when she's left alone and since Connor died she's been pretty upset." Evan said.

"Okay. Just... keep an eye on her. Something isn't right." Heidi said. Evan nodded and ducked his head down. Heidi heard a door shut and she pressed her lips together. Something was not right.


"What are you doing here!" Zoe hissed. She was standing in front of the mirror in the guest bathroom. Connor stood behind her.

"Can I not pay my baby sister a visit?" Connor asked.

"No. You been d-d-d... gone. You don't just come back!" Zoe said.

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