Chapter 32

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I am glad that you enjoyed the first letter. I am glad that I was able to make your stay at District 2 fun and you having a good time. We are going to have to do something like this again soon. Spending time with you was one of the most fun I ever had in a while.

What do you think about it? Do you think it would be good to go on a victory tour? My question is it just for the Hunger Games' victor or for everyone who risked their lives to fight the rebellion, like your team and myself. I can see why you wouldn't want to do it. There is so much memories that a lot of us do not want to bring back up. I think Peeta will think anything is a great idea if it came from Effie's mouth. I think Haymitch may have compactions for Effie. Do you think Peeta is hiding his feelings for Effie? How long do you think these feelings blossomed? Well it all depends on the person. This could be good for some people but for others it could cause pain. I also go back to my question from before. Is it just for the HG victors or is it for all the rebellions that survived? I don't know what the meaning would be for it. I think Effie just wants to make some kind big scene to show off her Mockingjay.

I will think about it. But I will have to go around my busy schedule. You saw how much they need me. I think that they wouldn't be able to survive without me. I would love to see little Prim again too. I would love to see how my family is doing. I really miss them all so much. That was one of the hardest things to leave behind, beside you and Prim. I would really love that. Having to go back to the old memories and visiting our favorite spots into the forest.

I almost forgot to ask, has Prim have any eyes for any boys at District 12 or any other districts? If so let me give them the talk and have part of scaring them. Even though I know you could handle it very well or maybe too well.

I don't know what to think about Peeta calling you Catnip. I was speechless when I read that part of the letter. What did you do to the poor boy? I am proud that you stood your ground with him. I feel honored to the only one to get to call you Catnip. I should be the only to get to call you that, I was the one who created the nickname. I know you are going to be just fine and he will be rethinking about challenging you again for a while now. I know you Catnip you are not going to hurt him, well not that bad at least.

You just left not that long ago. Nothing really has happened here. It's the same old but my friends do wish they got to know you better and got to hang out with the Famous Katniss Everdeen. But like my one friend said, 'I am a hog. I don't like to share what is mine.' Work is the same. How is things down there? I hope no one shot anyone's head off while you were gone.

Can't wait for a reply,


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