Chapter 21

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Dear Gale,

I remember that day as well. I think about it always. The only reason you call me Catnip is because I said my name so quietly that you only heard Catnip. When I corrected you, you told me that you are going to still call me Catnip. No one here has called me it. I would not let them. That is your name for me. You are the only one that is allowed to call me that. I won't even let Peeta call me it. Trust me, he's tried. I punched him in the stomach for it and that was the last time he called me that.

You are great at it also. You are my rock and support team. I would not be doing what I love if it was not for you. I glad that you see what everyone sees. You are courageous, that is what I love about you. We all wish that day never happened but think about it this way. If that day did not happen then there would be no rebellion and we would not have gotten Distract 13's help. That day was horrible and a blessing all at once.

I am working on becoming friendlier. I really don't like people and Johanna can agree with that. That is something we both have in common. We are both done with people because we can see the bad and good in people. I guess you are right and maybe it would be a good idea not to let you into theater. That is kind of sad that Peeta lost his whole family. I don't even know what I would do if I lost everyone I cared for. I think that would kill me. I think it would be Johanna who would kill him first. You are horrible sometimes Gale.

I can't believe you did it. We got the deer just today and Greasy Sae was greatful. She was excited to start cooking. I owe you a big bowl of deer soup. You will get soon, once Greasy Sae finish cooking it. You shot some big deer. Those two are some great deer to kill. Nice pick Gale. Get ready to have a heaping bowl of deer soup.

Johanna likes have a younger person look up to her. Prim and Johanna are like thick and thin. I am happy to see them both happy. Some people ask me if I am jealous of Johanna for the relationship that she has with my sister. I just tell them no because I'm not jealous. Johanna needs someone in her life that can give her love because she does not have anyone left to love. If Prim can give her that love then that is great. Prim's heart is big enough for both of us. She loves Johanna and me just the same. I agree with you. Family is everything. If you don't have family then you don't have nothing. I like keeping in contact with all of them. It's nice knowing what they all are up to. Know that their lives are going good and they are happy finally. I am agreeing with you on that with Effie being on crack. I am starting to think that now.

Maybe it could be you but right now I don't need that pressure of worrying about a man in my life. I know it can't be your brother or Peeta. I was just kidding about them. Maybe in the future if Peeta ever gets me pissed off enough you will defiantly be the first person I ask to do it. Does that sound like a deal? I guess I never thought about it that way. You open my eyes to new possibilities every day Gale. I am now going to look at my scars as showing my strength off. You are right I am strong and brave. You always see the best in my Gale.

Turn around,


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