Chapter 52

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He didn't know what to say after that. I know I just told him something he didn't need to know. But it was needed. Before I could say anything, else everyone came in for dinner. I just walked away from him and headed over to Johanna.

After dinner and everyone went to the other house to rest for a new day tomorrow. I just hanged behind in Katniss's place. There was nowhere else I would want to be. I know she won't let me stay nowhere else either any ways.

"So, please tell me you got throw that stupid skull of Peeta's?" Johanna asked me.

"I take it you heard all that with me and him?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have been trying to get that throw his head this everything ended. But nothing is working. Even Haymitch has tried. We all know he has no filter." Johanna told me.

"I really hope it worked. Because I don't know what else to do. Except kick his butt. I really don't want to do that with everything is going on. Also, having everyone here." I told her.

I went over to pour myself and Johanna a drink. After talking with Peeta and having him watching all the rest of the day. I kind of needed it. Johanna is Johanna she always needs a drink for putting up with him.

"Thanks." She said taking the drink from my hand. "Well, if you ever to kick Peeta's ass. Let me know. I want to be there to see it."

"Something is really wrong with you. You do know that." I told her.

"I know. But that is how you always end up on top." She said.

"What about ending up on top?" Katniss asked entering the living.

"Just Johanna being wrong minded and everything." I answered her.

"What's not new. So, I have something to ask. Peeta asked me if it's true about you and me being together." Katniss said to me.

"What did you tell him?" I asked her.

I really hope she didn't want to keep that a secret. If so, I am so in the doghouse now. Mostly, with Johanna eavesdropping on us. Also, Haymitch sitting watching us. So, let's see how this end.

"I told him yes it's true. I wasn't going to lie to him. I am not wanting to hide that you and I do have feelings for each other. But just trying to figure everything out." She told me.

*Katniss's POV*

I figured that Gale was going to talk to Peeta any ways. I was hoping Haymitch would have stopped it or something. But looks like I was wrong. But I know everyone was getting sick of Peeta obsessing of the past. They just wanted to end. So, I was mad at Gale. But I don't think it was fully got throw to Peeta. I hope the talk we had before he left helped.


"Hey Katniss, can we talk for a moment in private?" Peeta asked me.

"Sure Peeta. What's going on?" I asked.

We headed outside to get some privacy. I think I know what he wants to talk about. I just hope Gale didn't hurt him to bad. I still want to be friends with Peeta, but he needed to know the truth.

"So, Gale and I had a talk about you. He told me; you guys were together. Is that true? Are you and Gale together?" He asked me.

"Yes. I figured Gale was going to talk to you. I know it should have been from me. But I didn't know how to tell you. We are right now just figuring everything out. Mostly, when he is in district two and I am here." I told him.

"So, are you trying to hide it or something? I don't think anyone knows. Also, you make it seem like you guys are not together." Peeta told me.

"No, we are not hiding it. If people want to know they can ask me or Gale. I will tell them the truth like I am doing with you. We are figuring everything out. But we are together. I am sorry Peeta. But you know that we were only going to be friends. There wasn't going to be anything else." I told him truthfully.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me strange. Did he really think there was going to be more to us? I do care about him. But like a brother. Nothing more and nothing less. I know his feelings were different.

"Peeta, I do care for you. We went throw a lot together. I know we did have that fake relationship for the game. But you know that was all it was fake to me. My heart always was Gale's. You were always like a brother to me. Part of my family. I am sorry if I made you think otherwise." I told him.

He just stood there taking everything in. But he didn't say anything. Instead he just left. Left without saying another word. He needed some time to process everything. I don't blame him. I will give him his time. I will talk to him about it another time.

*End Flashback*

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